Spirit : James
Date : July 16th 2021
Medium : Albert Fike
Location : Gibsons, B.C.

I am James. Yes, each of you have your struggles and your loved ones struggle and all the earth struggles. It is a place that is deeply out of harmony with God. Even my brother, Jesus, struggled when he walked the earth, and he was guided and pure in light, yet he too had his struggles.

It is the way of your world not because God wishes it to be so, but because man has created a condition that encourages disharmony and lack of love. We in the Celestial Kingdom, when called and when we see a soul who is struggling for light and desires God, and to know God, and to be safe from the conditions that are of darkness, we come to surround you. We come because if there were not those bright spirits and angels who would not intervene, then the world would indeed be very dark. But it is your prayers, your hope, your thoughts, your desires that brings the light, your souls yearning for God and placing that yearning forefront in your minds and your actions. In this way, we come to assuage this darkness and to bring greater light to you, protecting you from the onslaught that is so predominant in your world. We come to pray with you and to be with you as you seek to rise above the conditions of the world.

Beloved souls, none of you are immune from the darkness, yet each of you knows how to protect yourselves, bringing protection to you and around you. And so we implore you to continue in your prayers, to be truly in alignment with God, for what other way can you remove yourself from these conditions ? You may make great effort of the mind to have what you call an arms length approach to life, but is this very satisfying ? No, to be detached from all is to lack feeling, lack love, lack graciousness, lack joy. Indeed, many put themselves into this condition where their feelings are dampened and because of their fears isolate themselves from humanity. Beloved souls, are you not meant to be with your brothers and sisters, are you not meant to be in the world as a light, to walk in the world with the strength of God’s Love flowing through you, to be in the world, His channels of love, to be guided to the many souls who are seeking, to the many souls who are in need.

Your work is great, beloved souls, your work is great. There are so many in need and at times I know it must feel overwhelming and discouraging, but know that you have the greatest power of love in the universe around you and within you. Know that God uses you in many ways, ways you are not truly aware, but will come to know in time, ways that will bring you into greater harmony with God, for as you express love in your life, so you learn the ways of love to express and love yourself and express love to your brothers and sisters. You must turn this challenge around, that challenge that often has discouraged you, but make it a tool, a tool of expression, a tool of opportunity, to be a channel of love in the world. You can do this if you walk in the world without judgment and with great compassion and desire to uplift your brothers and sisters. So you open greater channels of love to yourself and through yourself to others. There is so much you can give with the light that you carry. 

Do not hide your light, do not think of your light as something private and to be protected that you may cower away from these conditions. Rather, when you are strong in light, when you are in alignment with God, when you feel that you are truly in a harmony with the laws of God’s Love, then you are a strong channel in the world, then we urge you to go forth in the world and pray for all those you meet. Ask to be an instrument for all those who pass you by, for the opportunities to be a channel of love and light in the world are great. They are so great that if you could see each and every opportunity that God places before you, you would be astounded. God’s channels are few and the need is great. I ask each of you that whoever you are encountering, whatever situation you are in at any given moment, to make sure that you have prepared yourself in prayer, that you have lightened yourself through your relationship with your Creator, receiving His love that flows into you and continues to purify this channel of love that is your great soul, your beautiful gifts, your wonderful light. Allow these things to grow, to be strengthened and purified by God’s Touch.

Beseech God when you are alone and in your quiet place, beseech God to bless you, to uplift you, to guide you, to heal you. These things are given in bounteous, gracious, powerful flowings and blessings from God to each one of you, provided you ask and are receptive and put aside your daily concerns walking in the light and grace of God’s Touch. Even if it is for a moment, at least you are indeed counteracting the darkness in the world by your choice, your efforts to be in harmony with God, to be in the light of God, to truly be with God. These things you can do,and all souls upon this world can do, provided they are receptive and open in their minds and their soul to be with God. In this the great channels are opened, the great blessings come. Beloved souls, may you truly come to know God in a deep and abiding way so you are truly blessed, that your mind and soul, your consciousness is attuned and in alignment with God. In this way you fulfill your prayers, in this way you do as your soul longs to do, which is to be a channel for God’s Will and God’s Love in the world. May you come to be in harmony with this, may you come to know this is a true and powerful part of your life, an expression of true light in the world.

 May God bless you, beloved souls, I am James the brother of Jesus, and I come to pray with you and encourage you upon the road of service, light, love, the expansion of your souls to the gift of the Father’s Love. God bless you, beloved souls. My love is with you. All of us within the Celestial Kingdom have said prayers for each one of you and many more in your world and will continue to do so until the world is transformed into something that is of light, and the darkness is expunged from this habitation that is your world. God bless you, beloved souls, God bless you.