The Veil is Being Lifted for Trinidad Retreat

Spirit: Jesus
Medium: Al Fike
Date: January 5, 2024
Location: Trinidad

I come. I am Jesus, your brother, your friend. The veil of the human condition is being lifted from you at this very moment. As you put forth your prayers, desires and your concerns for your beloved ones and for many, so you have lifted the conditions of your circle to that of light, love, healing and peace. May you feel and know the great gift that is being offered. May you benefit from the Touch of God, the great Source of all healing and love. May you be in alignment with all truth and within you, the truth of your soul. 

As you come to that place of light, that truth that lives within you, that truth that grows within you, from the gift that is given of God’s Love and Essence, then you will find yourself in that place of peace, enlightenment and joy. Is this not what you long for, beloveds, to be away from the human condition and to be immersed in that which is of the Divine, giving to you what your soul’s desire and need to flourish and to be in light?

Open yourselves now, beloved souls, to all that God has to give, to all that is available to each one of you. For it is given freely. You have asked and, indeed, the veil is lifted so that you are immersed in the light of God’s presence and blessings. Drink deep of the Living Waters. Breathe deep the blessings that come and know that God is with us in all His glory. Light and Love shines down upon us at this very moment and gives to us the blessings that are needed and desired. 

We are His children. We seek from the Source, our Heavenly Father, the blessings that are given freely. Be at peace, my beloveds, and know that we are close, we shall be close for these times together. We shall walk a distance together in the light and blessings of God’s Love. So it is given and so the benefits shall pour upon you, beloved souls, awaken you, heal you and bring peace to you.

God bless you. I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come to pray with you today. Your earnestness and desires have gone directly to God. We in the Celestial Kingdom have come to reinforce this and add our prayers and desires to yours, so that we may all receive these blessings in the purity and power of God’s Touch upon us.

God bless you, beloved souls. My love is with you. The love of many surround you. The love that you have for your families and loved ones emanate from this Circle of Light and touch many in the blessings of God’s Touch and Love. God bless you, beloveds. May His peace be with you in these moments of prayer. God bless you in Love.