Contact the Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation to create a Divine Love Prayer Circle or Retreat.|

Angels Are Ready and Waiting

Spirit: Seretta Kem Medium: Al Fike Date: October 12, 2023 Location: Laurelville, PA Beloved souls, I am Seretta Kem. The tendrils of love are continuing to wrap around all who are involved in this beautiful circle that is coalescing in love and light. Your thoughts are intermingling with the thoughts of others. Your intentions are clear and united. The [...]

Angels Are Ready and Waiting2023-10-31T10:28:22-07:00

There is an Angel Assigned to Each One of Us

Spirit: Seretta Kem Medium: Al Fike Date: October 12, 2023 Location: Laurelville, PA There is an angel, an angel that will be with you for the duration of this time together. If you wish to be close to that angel that God has given you, be high in your thoughts, in your intentions, in all that you do in [...]

There is an Angel Assigned to Each One of Us2023-11-06T10:10:15-08:00

Your World is About to Change

Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: October 11, 2023 Location: Laurelville, PA May the gift of the Father’s Love continue to awaken you, beloved souls. I come. I am Jesus. I come to you in your prayers and efforts to bring greater light to this world of yours, to all who seek greater light and truth. I am with [...]

Your World is About to Change2023-12-05T08:44:04-08:00

Your True Soul’s Purpose in the World

Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: September 17, 2023 Location: Sechelt, B.C. Beloved souls, I come. I am Jesus. The world holds promise for you, each one of you. As you walk upon this earthly plane, know that God has a plan for each of you, that God intends for each of you to flourish in the blessings of [...]

Your True Soul’s Purpose in the World2023-12-20T09:33:42-08:00

Preparing for Laurelville Retreat

Spirit: Michael Collier Medium: Al Fike Date: August 29, 2023 Location: Sechelt, B.C. I am Michael Collier, and I know it is not usual for me to speak in these groups. But today I am here to encourage and guide you. You are on the verge of great events and great possibilities, my friends. It is building and you [...]

Preparing for Laurelville Retreat2023-09-11T09:36:30-07:00

Reflects on the Sensitivities of Having a Son Who Was Different

Spirit: Joseph Medium: Al Fike Date: August 1, 2023 Location: Sechelt, B.C. Dear, beloved souls, I am Joseph, father of Jesus. Many of you have felt different from those who are around you and were around you in your lives. You felt a certain sensitivity within you, a sense that you were not in alignment with much of what [...]

Reflects on the Sensitivities of Having a Son Who Was Different2023-10-03T09:47:30-07:00

The Ongoing Transformation in God’s Love

Spirit: Seretta Kem Medium: Al Fike Date: June 29, 2023 Location: Sechelt, B.C. May God’s love surround you, infuse you, and uplift you. My beloved friends, we have ventured far together. We continue to work together for our mutual goals. We ask for guidance, do we not, as we continue to seek the way, to know our footsteps, to [...]

The Ongoing Transformation in God’s Love2023-08-15T09:58:21-07:00

Half-way Checkpoint

Spirit: Seretta Kem Medium: Al Fike Date: June 28, 2023 Location: Sechelt, B.C. I am Seretta Kem. We have come midway in our journey together in this Circle of Light. We have made good progress. We are hoping for great shifts of consciousness within all of you. Indeed, you come close. Some of you have indeed crossed that threshold. [...]

Half-way Checkpoint2024-01-10T10:32:22-08:00

You Have Chosen the Battle for Light

Spirit: Augustine Medium: Al Fike Date: April 9, 2023 Location: Sechelt, B.C. Beloved souls, I am your teacher, Augustine. I wish to affirm that each of you are a light, that though you may have your challenges, your battles, while living upon this earthly plane that is so rife with error and darkness and those conditions that are contrary [...]

You Have Chosen the Battle for Light2023-07-20T10:35:16-07:00

The Truth Will Catch Fire in the World

Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: March 19, 2023 Location: Sechelt, B.C. …The world shall be blessed beloveds, awakening within their souls is coming. I am your brother and friend, Jesus, and I come to assure you that the work that you do to awaken the world is having its effect. Though you may seem to perceive that you [...]

The Truth Will Catch Fire in the World2023-07-10T14:15:48-07:00
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