What is Divine Love? The Great Experiment

You cannot truly know what Divine Love is until it becomes a personal experience. Words can’t come close, descriptions of any kind are inadequate because being touched by God is unique for each individual. It is the most refined form of love in the universe. Everything else, including our own capacity to love, comes up short in comparison. After all, this is God’s own love given through prayerful longing. God’s Divine Love changes you. Once you have some of it within your soul, it can never leave you. In fact, as you continue to pray for it, it will accumulate within and not only heal your inner wounds and bring you profound joy, it will fundamentally change every part of you. Your soul, that part of you that is your true self, becomes energized and empowered by this love, affecting every layer of your being including the physical, emotional and spiritual. This takes time and effort in prayer but its effects are felt soon enough. We invite you to take part in an experiment of sorts that we feel will help facilitate your own experience of receiving Divine Love. Please follow the instructions below and you are certain to come to know the power and wonderment that is God’s Divine Love: 

The Great Experiment – how to experience God’s Love.

It is important to take time at least once a day to be in quiet prayer, even several times a day if possible. 

Find a quiet and comfortable place in order to sit or lie down in prayer.

If there is no private place to pray, one can recite this prayer wherever you are and it will have some effect.

Make yourself comfortable.

Quiet your mind and ask God to be with you as you relax and focus. 

The following prayer may be used as a helpful guide:

Dear God,

Please open my soul to an inflowing of your Love. I am here to be with you and I know that you wish to be with me. Put your light and cloak of protection around me from all spirits and influences that are not Celestial. Bring your angels close and lift me up into your arms of Love and may your Holy Spirit convey your Love into me. Help me to know and trust you like the child that I am within my soul and help me to go beyond my earthly thoughts to a place of longing and connection with you. May I come to know who I truly am and who you are. May all that distracts me and keeps me bound to the earthly conditions melt away into the light of your presence. Show me the beauty and glory of your being and your Love. Bring me to that profound peace which comes with your presence. I desire only the highest and deepest touch from you, my dear Creator. Open my eyes and my heart to the truth as only you can give with the blessing of your Love. Change my heart and heal all that is out of harmony with you. Oh gracious God, show me how to truly love and bring me to sweet at-onement with you. I am here to receive all that you wish to give and that I am able to receive at this time. Amen

You may wish to add or edit this prayer to something that is more personal for you but it is important to ask for the inflowing of God’s Love into your soul in order to activate the laws of receiving this blessing. Because we have been created with free will, God will not force this Love on anyone but will give it to anyone who sincerely asks for it. Honest and sincere prayer is vital. The beginner may feel shy or awkward when praying but if you persist and are consistent in your efforts, the blessings will begin to flow… in as much as our souls are able to receive. Once you experience receiving this blessing, you will not turn away. It is bliss and liberation and much more. Ask from your heart and you will know this Love to be real and powerful. It is there for the asking.

Many feel nothing at first because it takes time to break through the mental barriers most of us have towards this experience. Our consciousness is most often riding on the surface of our senses-oriented mind. In order to connect with God in this way, one must “let go and let God”…and go deeper which takes practice. That is why it is so important to keep praying even when it becomes an inconvenience or a chore. This blessing is worth every effort and soon enough one’s personal barriers to God will fall away. Then, rather than a chore, these times of prayer and communion will become the highlight of your day. The Angels will be praying with you, always by your side, to help you open your soul and experience an inflowing of Divine Love for yourself. Please try this experiment. It could change your life. God’s Love is waiting for you.