Contact the Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation to create a Divine Love Prayer Circle or Retreat.|

Discourse on Spirit and Power of Love

Spirit: Nikola Tesla Medium: Al Fike Date: May 15, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey The universe is such a vast place, my friends. The knowledge of humanity is small indeed in comparison to what is the universe. I am Nikola Tesla and you have asked me to come today to speak to you, to assure you that you are [...]

Discourse on Spirit and Power of Love2023-07-25T11:16:56-07:00

Technology from Orion’s Planet Must Be Earned by Pure Intentions

Spirit: Orion Medium: Al Fike Date: May 15, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey Again, I am Orion. Yes, there is much in the way of technologies and understandings of the function of the universe that may be given to humanity but it must be earned. It is not given freely for when those things are given freely, they are [...]

Technology from Orion’s Planet Must Be Earned by Pure Intentions2022-07-28T08:54:34-07:00

Desires Harmony, Light, Love and Joy for All in Her Country

Spirit: Queen Victoria Medium: Al Fike Date: May 15, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey  I wish to introduce myself, I am Victoria. I was once the Queen of England. I too have great interest in this country and the world, to see that all of the entanglements and dark intentions may disappear, and in their place a harmonious [...]

Desires Harmony, Light, Love and Joy for All in Her Country2022-07-28T08:54:20-07:00

Our Nation is in Great Need of Upliftment

Spirit: St. George Medium: Al Fike Date: May 15, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey I am St. George, and you asked for me to come, and so I am here. I really wish to say that I approve of what you are doing to enhance and to uplift your nation and communities for this nation is in great need [...]

Our Nation is in Great Need of Upliftment2022-05-26T09:35:55-07:00

Join God’s Tapestry of Beautiful Souls

Spirit: Augustine Medium: Al Fike Date: May 15, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey May God bless you deeply, my friends, that you may come to know your soul as you have never known your soul, so that something fresh and new may come to your consciousness, awakened by this freshness, this new insight into who and what you are. [...]

Join God’s Tapestry of Beautiful Souls2023-09-06T10:38:19-07:00

Blesses Guernsey Retreat

Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: May 15, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey [May the Peace that] passes all understanding be yours, my beloveds. I come, I am Jesus, I come to pray with you and be with you today. May we all seek the blessings of God together and be in this gracious light, absorbing all that we [...]

Blesses Guernsey Retreat2022-05-26T09:36:46-07:00

Comes to Uplift and Bless

Spirit: Mary Medium: Al Fike Date: May 14, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monet, Guernsey  Beloved children, I am Mary. I too come to uplift and bless my beloved brothers and sisters in the world. That they may see the way forward in light and know the blessings of God within their hearts and souls. I too come because I [...]

Comes to Uplift and Bless2022-05-25T09:49:33-07:00

We are All Brothers and Sisters Because We Possess a Soul

Spirit: Orion Medium: Al Fike Date: May 14, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey Brothers and sisters of the Earth, I am Orion. I am not of the Earth. I am of a place far away, but we are of light. We have the kinship of possessing a soul and so we are all brothers and sisters because we all [...]

We are All Brothers and Sisters Because We Possess a Soul2022-07-28T08:54:34-07:00

Questions and Answers

Spirit: Orion Medium: Al Fike Date: May 14, 2022 Location: Les Chapel Monnaie, Guernsey My rapport with this instrument is strong. So, we might take some time to answer some questions you might have of me. I am willing to entertain your questions and hopefully the energies will allow me to speak clearly and effectively. So, you might ask a [...]

Questions and Answers2023-07-25T11:16:57-07:00

Blessing for Bill and Freda’s Group (Durham)

Spirit: Jesus Medium: Al Fike Date: May 11, 2022 Location: Durham UK May the blessings of God be upon you, my beloveds. I am Jesus, I come, I come to bless you. I come to bring light and to uplift you. I come as God’s channel of Love, and I am an example of the power of God’s Love [...]

Blessing for Bill and Freda’s Group (Durham)2023-04-21T10:43:01-07:00
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