Your Prayers May Change the Conditions of the World

Spirit: Francis of Assisi
Medium: Al Fike
Date: February 6, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

….and against God’s law . So humanity must come, through their own volition, to God, must come and receive God’s blessings of His Love so that this may ignite within their souls and their minds the Truth that they may walk upon the Earth without treading so heavily upon her, that all may be in balance and harmony, and that the souls of humanity may walk in wisdom and in love. May your prayer be thus, beloved souls. I am with you, beloved daughter, in your concerns and as you pray, know that I will come and pray with you for all the beloved creatures of the world.

Prayer is powerful, beloved daughter. Prayer can change conditions. Prayer can change the behavior of those who violate and are in ignorance and error. For it is in your effort to pray, to ask the Creator, to bring blessings that will enlighten and will bring light, that the minds of those in darkness may be changed, that they may themselves come to a place of light, awakened to truth, awakened to love. As you pray in this manner, blessings will pour upon those you pray for, blessings will pour upon this world, blessings will pour upon you, beloved daughter, and all those who pray and ask with humility and sincerity for the blessing of God’s Love. So it will come and bring the gift of change and healing and peace.

May God bless you all, beloved souls, who inhabit your world, this Earth that is in such dire need of love. May you continue to seek to be a channel of truth of love in the world. In this way. God will use you in many ways and lay before you many opportunities to serve in love. Release the barriers, beloveds, all that which is not of love. For it will do no good in your world to carry these resentments and to add to the darkness in this world. Be at peace and bring love to wherever you can, in whatever way is possible and God will open the doors so that many things may be possible in accordance to His Will and plan for the salvation of mankind. Each of you may play a part as a piece of this great puzzle, this great picture of the coming world that will be so different from what it is today.

God bless you, beloved souls, I am Francis and my love is with you. I join you in prayer. I join you in love. I join you in peace. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds.