Spirit: Yogananda
Medium: Al Fike
Date: April 6, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC
I am here, Yogananda. My son, there are steps that need to be taken for us to establish rapport and communication together. You must take time, say a prayer, open yourself up to my presence. Think of me, think of my connection with you and my love for you. Allow me to come close. But most of all, take some time, dedicate some time to be with me and to try to be open to the communications that we have already experienced and will intensify. As we make this rapport together and bring this truth of my teachings and understanding of God to paper, it will be simple. Yes, like any venture in the beginning, it may not be perfect or easily obtained, but with practice and effort we will have a good working relationship.
You will find that our time together will be enjoyable and comforting, especially while you are travelling. I will be your friend and we will talk. This I would like very much and I have a great deal to share. I would like the opportunity to do so, if you are willing. There is a good spiritual chemistry between us, my beautiful friend, and this can be exploited for our mutual benefit and for blessing for the world. Do you wish to ask me any questions? I am willing to answer at this moment. So I take your silence as an agreement.
Jeanne: “I’m wondering if he needs pen and paper when he sits to make a rapport with you.”
Any sort of recording device would do. Pen and paper is certainly adequate. I spent many hours with pen and paper while on Earth writing my books. It is an effective tool but a recording device would also be of a benefit.
Jeanne: “Should he do this alone or should we take some time with the three of us or the four of us to support his effort to get started?”
Our intention is not to dictate through this medium, but if you wish to sit in quiet prayer with our dear and beloved friend, then by all means. This may be helpful, but it is up to him and what he desires, what will fit into his routine.
Jeanne: “And is the guest house a good place or is the portal there as well as here?”
There is no need for a portal beloved soul. But any place within these beautiful grounds are adequate. There is a great energy here and you are well aware of this. So it is beneficial for the beginning. It will help propel things forward, but one must make a beginning, set one’s attention and intentions forth. There is no pressure to begin. There is merely an invitation to do so. I do not wish to impinge upon my brother’s free will. I only wish to offer my services with this invitation for communication so that we may accomplish something that will be beneficial for souls in your world.
There are many who have read my teachings, have dedicated themselves to my truth that I have shared. Yet, there are many things missing within this prescribed way to God that I have put forth on paper. I desire to rectify the error, to encourage those who are seeking, to help to clarify the path and to bring the Truth of Divine Love in these teachings. A most powerful Truth, is it not? The highest Truth, is it not?
So, with the many souls who have a great interest and desire to be spiritually enlightened and yet they miss the greatest Truth, the most powerful road to this. My desire is that they may come to know this and that I may be of assistance, not only to my dear friend and to all of you, but to the world. Yes, this way of communication and this effort has its drawbacks and flaws. There is no perfect way to bring these Truths to humanity, yet we all persist. Do we not make efforts, open doors, proffer possibilities toward enlightenment? This is God’s Hand on all of our lives, whether we are in the world of spirit, the Celestial Kingdom, or here in this earth plane. The efforts, the desire to serve, the loving compassion for humanity come into play, so the Truth may be offered.
Jeanne: “I am so happy for you to embark on this and I think you may already know, I look forward to assisting in the publication of your messages as a stand-alone publication. I’m very excited about the efforts you are making and I do believe that there is a great following on Earth if we can convey your teachings and your writings to the audience that knows of you and follows you already.”
I am very happy for your intentions and desires, but I am also amused by your offer, beloved daughter, since in my experience, I’ve heard you complain often as to how much work you have.
Jeanne: “I need some skilled help!”(Laughter)
You have all the help of the Heavens, beloved daughter, all the help of God, all that is required may be given. Do not allow a negative attitude to put barriers in the way of God’s touch upon your life and the possibilities of opening up doors that will assist you in these regards.
Jeanne: “Hmmm; well thank you for that Yogananda, thank you. I’ve been humbled.”
We are all humble, are we not? God’s Love brings humility and with faith, we have strength and resolve. Do we not?
Jeanne: ‘Yes, yes.”
Indeed, do we not all desire that the world will know of this great Truth and that their souls may be opened in Love and express love in their lives and all that they do in the world? Yet, you see that the world has a blind eye to Truth and does not express the desire of their souls. Rather, their minds continue to insist upon a certain path and way in the world. Yet, God offers Truth in every way, through many instruments, through each soul who is of the Light. Yes, when these beautiful souls, souls such as yourselves, continue to make efforts in the world to bring this Truth and see how few truly know and listen to your words, it is humbling. It makes for, at times, frustration and difficulties.
My beloved friends, do not give up in your efforts, but continue to forge ahead for God will bless you mightily. His plan will manifest through you and through many. You lay the groundwork. You are the brave souls who pioneer in the world. Though you are unrecognized by so many, God knows your efforts. We know your efforts. We continue to support you in any way that we might. So, my beloveds, do not become disillusioned. Every great thing that is of light and beauty takes time, takes effort, persistence and love.
You will find your way. You will find your way and know that no matter what may happen in your world, that you have made an effort. You have expressed the Truth in your life. This is a worthy expression of your soul. God will bless you with every turn and breathe, every way and means that is possible. You will be blessed and know the joy of the heart that is filled with Love from God.
I will give my good-byes for now. God bless you beloved souls, God bless you. I am close. I am close. God bless you.