Walk in the Light

Spirit: Andrew
Medium: Al Fike
Date: October 8, 2018
Location: Gibsons, British Columbia

I am Andrew. You each carry a light, a light in the world, a world in need of light. You each continue to struggle to build within you a beautiful light. I urge you to beseech your Heavenly Father to receive ever greater blessings of His Love, that in this deep desire, this true longing, comes the light of His Love. With the light of His Love, you find your way upon your life’s path, for God lights your path, clears the way for you to live in your life in harmony and peace and joy as your souls are transformed by this Love. As you walk in life carrying this light, you enact the faith of your soul’s desire to be in harmony with God’s laws of creation, to truly be a channel of Love.

This simple thing, this simple desire, this simple act of prayer, this simple longing and desire to be in alignment with light, with love, with truth and peace, affects all things around you, my beloveds, touches all things, affects the world in subtle yet powerful ways. It is a simple act of building the light of God’s Love within your soul. It will uplift you and carry you, guide you and protect you. Your journey of life will be that of growth and the awakening of your soul, the power of Love is so great, is so wondrous and beautiful that nothing compares to this great gift, nothing.

A gift given in love from your Creator, a gift poured upon you in such abundance, washing all that is not in harmony, all that is dark and causes you pain is washed away in the blessing of this Love. All truth that you seek, all dilemmas that you may have, all feelings of aloneness and lack of love are washed away in this gift. It is the greatest gift of all. It awaits each one of you as you continue to grow the lights within you. Remember that the source of this light is God’s Touch of Love. That all else cannot compare. That you are awakened and washed clean, uplifted and healed in this great gift.

Walk in the light, my friends. Carry the light within you. Seek its source. Know its power. Allow it to work its wondrous changes within, that it may glow all about you and light your journey. This is God’s Desire for each one of you. This is God’s Desire for the world that continues to be in darkness, lost to God, lost to harmony, lost to love. Yet the lights flicker in the darkness. Here and there, there are lights. Those lights are destined to touch others, igniting others, bringing more light to this world. This is your destiny, beloved souls, to bring the light of God’s Love to the world. It is in your act of prayer, the flow of love through you, the truth that is in your eyes, your embrace, your words of comfort, your acts of love, that the world will know that you carry light and will long for your presence amongst them. You shall point to God and say this is the Source of my comfort and strength, my love and truth. It comes with the inflowing of this gift. There are no words that can describe the wondrous gift of God’s Love.

Yet, you will speak words of comfort and truth and carry the banner into the world. For you pray for change and healing and balance, for comfort of the lost souls, wisdom for the leaders of your world, strength for all humanity to rise up above these conditions and begin to live in love rather than in fear, in love rather than indifference, in love rather than in error. This must happen by example, by each one of you who is willing to stand up for love and light, to acknowledge the source of all these things that are so needed in the world, to walk in the light always true to your souls, true to God. For this is the only way that the darkness will indeed be replaced by light. This task is too great for one soul or a thousand souls. It is a task that God must enact in your world and will do so through each soul who is willing to absorb and open themselves to light. This is your opportunity, your invitation to engage in the possibilities of healing this world as a channel of love and light.

My prayer is that each one of you may continue to grow in light, to be that example, to walk in truth, to be true to yourselves and true to the longings of your souls. In this, all will flow, all that is needed will flow abundantly. Harmony will ensue in your lives as you continue to awaken and truly understand who you are and what is important and necessary for a good life, a life that is rich and resplendent in love. I continue to pray for you, my friends. I pray for the world. I pray for each soul in this world, for many need our prayers, beloveds. Many are lost. Many are blind. Many are deaf to the truth. Many do not know their true selves.

We must all pray for the world and work together as lights, channels of love, purveyors of truth. Blessed, blessed friends, may we continue in your efforts each day to pray, to be uplifted, to be closer to God. God will open many opportunities for you to be His servant of love, of comfort to many. In this circle, you create a light that pours out into this world, as you draw in the blessings and energies of God. You may be used as a channel for these energies to be dispersed in the world. In many ways, you may be channels of love, instruments of God’s Will. It is not difficult nor is it complicated. It merely requires that you continue to be uplifted and blessed and in alignment with the forces of light, that your souls may grow in love, that you may walk in peace and joy, in truth and in light. May you live such a simple life, one that is focused on light, one that gives in love.

God bless you. I am your friend Andrew and I love you. My prayers are with you. God bless you. God bless you all.