Walk in Harmony With God’s Will

Spirit: Alec
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 9, 2018
Location: Gibsons, BC

It is nice to see you all gathered together in prayer, your earnest souls going out to God seeking wisdom and guidance, Love and Light. Each of you has your questions, your struggles, your desire to understand and to see the full picture of God’s Plan for you. I understand this, my friends. I, too, in the world struggled and tried to exert God’s Will in my life. But in the end I understood that knowing God’s Will is not a struggle. It does not require a great deal of exertion. It merely requires faith, peace, patience, trust. In this way, each day becomes a guided day. Each day brings its own opportunities, blessings.

There is no need to concoct a plan to know what lies ahead except when God brings you the gift of insight and revelation. Always God gives you these gifts to prepare you and to inspire you forward. But He does not develop and create a dependency in you to know, to be given each step, each glimmer of insight so that you are reassured and no need to question. This dependency would only weaken you, my beloved friends. In this way you would give up your free will, your opportunity for growth, your opportunity to make effort to open those faculties within your soul, to trust in those things within you which bring knowledge and awareness. We do not wish for you to be like a hothouse flower that when put in nature dies because it is not able to cope with the conditions of the natural world. Each time you reach out for something higher, you make a choice for Light, you trust in your own wisdom and you feel the Will of God being enacted at the very moment of your existence and you are strengthened. You come to know that life is not something that is altogether preordained, that you must wait for God to endorse each step that you make. Rather it is a cooperation between you and God, a creative flow that combines your choice and God’s Will together in harmony, creating greater Light, expressing your gifts in unique ways, expressing your life in Love.

So God does not ask you to give up these vital parts of yourself, all of the gifts that you possess, your faculties, your desires, your motivations. He merely asks that through the blessing of His Love that these parts of yourself are more fully activated and refined by God’s blessing and Love. In these expressions come the great flow of your life, the great wonderment of your being, existing in this world. God’s gift to the world is your soul and each soul is a gift to the world. Yes, as you intermingle soul to soul and all of these aspirations and gifts and Light come together, melding together into one flow, coming together for a particular purpose and effort on behalf of Light and God’s Will. Then miracles can happen, wondrous blessings flow forth as you align yourselves with one another and with God. The insights, understandings awaken within you bringing to you such a powerful opening of Light and purpose and expressions of Love. 

Yes, I know your struggles day by day often bring you away from this clear insight and expression of Love. You berate yourselves and bemoan the conditions of this world and all the things that are stacked up against your efforts to bring harmony into your life and to this world. I say greater faith, my beloveds, greater strength and trust in the Will of God combined with an acknowledgement of your own beautiful being, the power of the Love and Light within your souls. This acknowledgement then will be strengthened day by day, will bring you to that place that you desire to be, where you see yourselves as a clear and beautiful channel of Love in the world, bringing change, bringing healing and comfort to many, that your love is expressed purely, powerfully, and exemplified by God working through you. Yes, these are noble goals and you are eager to get to that place and you want to know the formula, what must be done to be there, to come to that place of fruition, these plans and ideas that foment within your minds. Yet as you well know and experience, this daily walk through life is the only way that you may come to that place of fulfillment. The fulfillment of the purpose of your soul in this world comes from the daily efforts that you make, the daily experiences that come in your life, the choices that you make in response to the tests that God puts before you in your life. The dawning awareness of your soul bubbling forth to your conscious self brings ever greater wisdom and knowing and peace and joy.

Yes, I too had my struggles when I was in your world. I pushed and cajoled. I made my plans, I expressed myself with great intensity and purpose. I walked in this world with a deep desire that the Truth of God’s Love may be known to many. I helped to facilitate this understanding in my work with many people and many circles of Light. But I daresay that my desires were much stronger than God’s Will and in the end because I pushed so hard, I was not able to fulfill all of my desires of the spiritual work that I saw was necessary. I passed into spirit sooner than I should have because I pushed so very hard. I hope that you will learn this lesson from my example, so that you may walk in this world with greater patience listening to God’s Will and the timing of God’s Will, to have faith that all will flow in accordance to God’s Plan and that you will contribute to God’s Plan in ways that will be in harmony and in alignment with God’s Will.

Yes, you walk the thin edge between your own will and God’s Will, that fine edge that requires balance and wisdom, faith and trust. At times you lean to one side or another but you always continue to walk along that line as God carries you, as His angels uplift you and uphold you. When you feel yourself leaning this way or that, you have a sense that balance is needed and so you correct yourselves in prayer and contemplation, reassessing your desires, acknowledging your frustrations and your fears. You cannot walk this path, my beloved friends, without the sense of needing a balance, a harmony, an alignment with God’s Will and your will. When you are in balance, there is a sort of detachment from all the things that are around you, that clamour for your attention, that create disharmony and disruption, that pull and push against you. There is a strength and a peace that allows you to walk that line in balance, perfect harmony. This is what you must seek, my friends, that place of peace where all the conditions of your world are weak compared to the powerful influence of God in your life. To attain this beautiful condition of harmony is not easy but is well worth your efforts, your conscious efforts to seek this beautiful place of Light within you.

To walk in this world with your Heavenly Father, to be at peace, to observe your life and all life around you from the perspective of Love and acknowledgement that all life is a gift from God, to appreciate that gift and to not denigrate those who you see struggle and create for themselves great disharmony, but to pray for those downtrodden souls. If God inspires you to give a helping hand, to do something that will uplift, then this is your opportunity to serve God. From that place of peace and alignment, those opportunities will be clear and presented to you as an obvious step and expression in your life. Yes, in this way there is not a struggle but an awakening and an acknowledgement that this is a gift to serve another. So the judgments, the fears, the confusion are not there. Instead there is a sense of joy, a sense that what you do is the right thing.

So to walk this line of balance and harmony is your goal, my friends. May you accomplish this in much greater measure than I was able to. To walk in harmony with God, to work together with God, to bring about greater Light and Truth and Love in this world, this is your soul’s desires, my friends. Each of you desires this and within your minds there is often a question as to how this may be accomplished, but within your souls lies the answers, the truth of the matter. So go to your souls, my friends. Trust in the faculties of your souls awakened by the Father’s Love and allow these things to manifest without restriction, without the mind’s interpretation, but merely a beautiful flow that is guided by God, awakened by God and expressed through your own unique and beautiful souls. We see this awakening coming, being expressed day by day. Drop by drop, the Love continues to flow in and the changes, coming.

Have faith, my friends, have faith, you are on the right track that God will reveal to you with each day, and that with each day comes the dawning awareness of God’s great Plan for the salvation of mankind. You are deeply blessed. The Love continues to flow into your souls. You continue to listen. You continue to desire to be a channel of Love, to be in service to God whatever way is possible. So it will unfold in your lives, this beautiful awakening, this beautiful gift of life. It is our gift to witness this in each of you as God awakens another angel in His Universe through the blessing of His Love.

God bless you, my friends. I am Alec. My love and compassion and understanding is with you and will always be. God bless you. God bless you.