Step Forward in Faith

Spirit: John the Beloved
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 17, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

God continues to send you upon these journeys of faith, to bring the good word of God’s Love to humanity and you do so in many different ways, do you not? Yes, even in song, playing your instruments, walking in Truth and Love, speaking of Love and Truth, embracing your brothers and sisters, with your eyes aglow with Love and your message given by the Light within your souls. So, God will continue to set you forth in the world and we in the Celestial Kingdom will orchestrate many opportunities for you to meet many souls, to walk in this Light, guided by God, awakened by His Love.

Yes, feel the joy within your souls, knowing that you are set upon your missions, your purpose, that the gifts within your soul continue to rise up and touch many others. God’s plan opens at your feet and brings to you the opportunities that are blessed and unfold within the Will of God. Wherever you go beloved souls, you are not alone. Whatever you do in the name of Truth and Love, knowing that you exemplify God’s Will, you will have with you the angels of Heaven, the blessings of Heaven, the Touch of God upon you. As you step forward, you bring to yourself many blessings, you are awakened in Love, you are carried in Love and you are enveloped in Light.

Step forward, beloved children of God, and seek to serve God with every breath, every thought, every deed an expression of Love. In this way, all that you do, wherever you are, there will be a touch and blessing upon that place, with those who are with you, with your own soul. Though you do not see with the eyes of your soul as yet, if you could, you would see that everywhere you step, everywhere you have been and will go, you will effect change and there will be deep blessing.

Such is God’s plan for the salvation of mankind, beloveds. Such are His instruments that will enact this plan, such is the power of God’s Love that will in time change the world and heal the world of all its strife and error, all to be transformed in Love, all to be given with the Mercy and Compassion and Love of God.

Step forward, beloved souls, in confidence, trust, and faith that all will unfold in God’s plan as it should and you will find your way. There is no need for doubt. There is no room for fear. There is only the joy within your souls to enact the Will of God with your souls awake and your hearts intent on Love and your motivations clear and powerful in Love.

God bless you, I am John and my love for you is great. God bless you, beloveds, God bless you.