Spirit: Seretta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: October 26, 2015
Serreta Kem here. I wish to tell you of the importance of sitting in a circle as you are in prayer from the perspective of spirit, for when you sit as you do for the highest ,to receive the angels of the Celestial Heavens, you bring into your midst a condition and a Light that is not often seen on this Earth plane. It is a great Light that attracts many spirits who are closer to the Earth plane than they are to the higher spheres of Light and spirit. So you perform a great service, my beloveds, even when you are a small circle as this, you perform a great service to many spirits who vastly outnumber the numbers that you are in the flesh and they come to listen, to observe, and they too are taught by the Celestials as they sit around you in many concentric circles which go on for quite a distance, thousands of spirits, my beloveds, are watching and listening, taking in the teachings of Love. And I know that you are not particularly aware of this aspect of your efforts and it is not necessary for you to be so aware, yet I wish to tell you this fact in order to encourage you and to reassure you that what you do in prayer for the Divine Love has many layers and levels of service and repercussions and blessings in your world and in our world. And we seek to encourage many to do so, to come together in a circle of prayer and Love and Light, so that they may reach many souls ,whether they be in the flesh or in spirit, they are a soul nonetheless, and you do a great service in praying together and seeking earnestly for God’s great Love, His Gift for you. And in receiving this Gift and praying together you become an example for those who observe you in spirit.
You are always being watched, my beloveds, for even upon this Earth plane there are many, many spirits who observe you and are curious as to your Light and how you have obtained this Light. And again I wish to reassure you that you need not know of these dynamics in a conscious way but it is an important aspect of your work and your progress in this world which will bring its rewards in the next.
God has drawn you together to perform many tasks, to walk in the Light, to teach others through your loving example and effort to be close to God, the Source of all that is good and beautiful. And as such we gather about you hoping to influence, eager to guide and protect, helping you to grow. In a way we are like a midwife supporting you in the rebirthing of your souls in Love. And we take great joy in our roles and loving you and guiding you upon the Path, the Path so full of many, many blessings.
God bless you beloveds, as you continue to grow in the Love, as you transform in the Love and as your Light grows, so you attract many spirits who are drawn to this Light and curious and seeking an avenue from their darkness to a place of Light and joy which they in their way perceive in you. Continue to be examples, my beloveds, in the world, for you do indeed touch many, many more than you imagined and many more that will come as you grow ever brighter in Light. God bless you, my beloveds. I am Seretta Kem and I am with you to assist you, to support you, to love you and to guide you upon your journey of Love and discovery in knowing God truly and deeply. God bless you and may He keep you in His Light always, embraced and nurtured, loved and touched deeply within your souls. God bless you, beloveds.