Great Blessings Await Those Who Follows the Divine Love Path

Spirit: Jesus
Medium: Al Fike
Date: February 21, 2019
Location: Western Caribbean Cruise

He who takes my hand shall be led to the Kingdom of God where love reigns supreme and light bright and beautiful. He who follows the truth of God’s Love will find many blessings upon that road and be awakened to truth, awakened within their hearts. A great blessings shall come to their souls as God pours His Essence within. He who seeks to serve God in love shall find many opportunities to be God’s channels and harbingers of love. He who is humble upon the path shall find great rewards in the realms of Heaven. He who steps forward sure-footed without doubts and great faith will be a teacher and a healer amongst his brothers and sisters.

Each of you that carries the mantle of light and love will be led accordingly and blessed mightily. Seek this gift, beloveds. Seek the Touch of God and I shall pray with you and be with you always and walk upon that path with you for you are my disciples. You are blessed in Love and will know the Truth of God that comes in great waves of light and love and joy as you release all your burdens, beloved souls, and continue to rise above the human condition to a place of greater light and joy. I am with you, beloveds. I am with you. Jesus loves you and is with you.