Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: July 21, 2015
It is your teacher Augustine here. God bless you, my beloved students. Your coming gathering has great import. You are all aware of this and you want to be a part of whatever it is that is meant to come from this and you will be, my beloveds, you will be. But now is a time of preparation, of prayer, of releasing those old ways that cling to you, the encrustations of your soul that are cracking and peeling and falling away. And at times you feel the emotional stress of this, the discomfort of this, but I tell you all of these emotions and discomforts are well worth the pain that you feel, for in the end you will come to that place of liberation that our Master speaks of, and in this much is possible, great works will be accomplished as you struggle for this elevated place above the conditions of this world and in the conditions of harmony with our Heavenly Father.
Do not enter into this gathering with preconceived notions of what it will be and how it will be. I know there are some who are very intent upon orchestrating this event and I tell you that their efforts will be of naught, for God will orchestrate your gathering and we in spirit will come to assist you to be open and receptive to what it is God wishes to give each one of you. And I tell you that each one will receive something unique that will help to open their gifts and help them to see the road they must take and what it is that they have to give in this world. Will this come from exercises in communication? No, my beloveds, this will come with your communication with your Heavenly Father, with a sincere and open desire to reach for something higher, to reach for something within you that is higher and greater and more beautiful.
This will come and I promise you, beloveds, if you enter into this gathering with sincere openness, with loving desire to be in that place of Light and Love, to embrace your brothers and sisters, in this place, to come together in joy and in Faith you will indeed receive the gifts that are meant to be given, the openings that are meant to be opened, the awarenesses that wait within your souls already there. This will come and bubble up into your consciousness and it will be revelatory and joyous and beautiful. May each one of you find your way and find that place where you will accept and allow God to change you and that you will accept and allow that which is not a part of the Father’s Love and those Laws contained within His Love to fall away, to be released. That you may find that peace that passes all understanding and abide within that peace for all eternity.
So much awaits you, my beloveds, beyond the door, beyond the door. The door that you have held shut and now you are willing to release your grasp and allow God to open it. And at that moment may you have the faith and the desire to walk through the threshold to a dawning Light and awareness that shall change you irrevocably and shall make you truly our Heavenly Father’s child and His instrument and channel of Love. Release your grasp, my beloveds. Let go of your fears. Rest in the arms of your Creator and know that you are truly loved, so truly loved. God bless you, and your teacher Augustine loves you dearly. God bless you.