Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Date: March 8, 2019
Location: Meyersdale, PA, USA
Yes, there will be many blessings and healings. This time that you spend together, love will flow, light will cascade down from the heavenly realms. Peace flows. The peace that passes all understanding will come as God touches your souls, beloveds. His Love will enter your soul, uplifting and bringing joy, all manner of blessings, beloveds.
As you come together so God will take these opportunities to bless you deeply, to continue to awaken your souls, to uplift you in light, to bring deep peace that when you return to your homes you will be changed. The active agent of God is Love, will continue to work in your souls and awaken that which is within so deeply and beautifully placed there by God, awaiting these times when you are with God so they may be set free and alive in light, awakened in love, carried to your consciousness so that you may use these gifts to free yourselves and free others in light and truth.
Beloved souls, you carry this flame. Can you not feel the warmth of it? It is brightening this room, brightening you all in grace, God’s Touch and His Love. May you contribute to this flame, beloveds. May you love one another, pray for one another, pray for the upliftment and awakening of your souls in this gift of love and you will come to feel great shifts and knowings and visions and deep feelings. Much will come for you have opened yourself to these blessings, beloved souls. Be awake and present in these times together and share your dear and beloved souls and truths with one another. You will take great comfort in one another in this time of fellowship and there will be peace, comfort, joy.
God bless you both. I am your teacher Augustine and I pray with you. And I pray for this dear soul’s healing, that his body may release that which holds him in this way, that he may be uplifted in light, awakened in love. Many pray with us, beloved souls. Many will continue to pray with you as you come together in faith and love.
God bless you, beloveds, God bless you. Augustine loves you.