Be An Instrument of God’s Love as He Provides Opportunities to Step Forth in Light

Spirit: Matthew
Medium: Al FIke
Date: January 4, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

As you continue to venture out into the world in a deep desire to serve God, so God continues to open doors and blessings, often unexpected, sometimes unwanted, but nonetheless opportunities to serve and bring greater light, not only to those you serve, but to yourself. As you meet the challenges that God puts before you, as you are strong enough to put aside your reluctance and that sense and need for comfort and peace in your daily life, instead to be replaced by the heart of the lion. The lion that brings love, strong and forceful, gentle and wise, there is the opportunity to scatter the darkness and bring light and truth to humanity.

Yes, we understand your desire to be at peace and to be comfortable in your safe environs, your prayerful resonance, and not deal with the chaos of your world and all those complicated conditions and unresolved thoughts and ideas and emotions that are inherent in so many in your world. Yes, there needs to be a balance to be met, that you are at peace with a clear mind and a soul filled with joy and love. But to hoard this light away is not what God means for you, my beloveds. It is to step forward and meet the challenges of this world that are great indeed, and often difficult to deal with.

You forge a deeper bond with God, seeking guidance and love, clarity and strength, these things that come from God. In the end, you will find great joy in what you have accomplished as God’s instruments. You will learn much and express much wisdom, and discover strengths and gifts within yourselves that you did not know existed. As each door opens, so more of yourself is revealed, more of your potential is realized, more of your soul is awakened, more of your gifts come to be expressed as each day brings its challenges and its invitations to walk in the light and to be an instrument of God’s Will. Yes, it requires strength and humility, wisdom and grace, and the many parts of your soul that carry this and need to be expressed. For a soul unexpressed in the world is a sad state of affairs. A soul needs expression. A soul needs to be active and awake and expressed so that God may indeed shine through that soul in all love and light, with many blessings flowing forth.

As you have prayed to be an instrument of God’s Love, to grow in His Love, to awaken in His Love, so God puts before you those opportunities to do as much. Though at times you may pull back with some trepidation, I say to you, my brothers and sisters, each is a deep blessing and gift to you. Each of these opportunities bring their unique gifts and possibilities of growth and awakening, testing your love and your faith, awakening those parts of you that still are in need of your own acknowledgment and expression.

These days ahead will bring perfect gifts from God given to you in love. As you move through, so you must give to it in love. Have the faith and strength to meet the challenges and express the light and love of your soul. And so you will do, my beloved souls. Your souls desire to be engaged in this way. Greater awakening will come reflexively in these situations, as you continue to pray for the Father’s Love to infill you and to awaken you.

Beloved souls, we have encouraged you to sit in prayer for many, many years and you have done so. You have done so and you have created for yourself a powerful bond with God. Now is the time for greater action and expression. I am not suggesting that you give up your intentions and efforts in prayer. No, not at all. But now these things must come to the fore, these gifts. You must respond to the call of God in service, humility, and grace. So you will, and we will be close to you. For as you step forward in these ways, greater blessings come to each soul and greater support, protection, and guidance is forthcoming. You will see, beloved souls, you will see what the future will bring. I say to you that your futures look bright and many blessings are coming.

May God bless you, beloved souls. I am Matthew. I continue to support you in your efforts. May God bless you deeply and your souls come to see your destinies as God lays His road ahead for you to walk upon. God bless you. Matthew loves you. God bless you.