Awakening of the soul mind

Spirit: Augustine

Medium: Al Fike

Location: Gibsons, BC

Date: December 27, 2015

Your teacher Augustine here, my beloveds. Each of you have received the blessing of God’s Love, the blessing of God’s healing and peace lay upon you, beloved souls. And you have been given a Gift to help strengthen your ability to delineate between what is happening within your souls and what is within your minds. You will come to see the difference, you will come to see how the operations of the soul are so very different from that of the mind, and you will come to know your soul mind, my beloveds. It will come clear like a newborn whose vision is blurry and indistinct. You will come to know this part of you, it will come into focus and you will see and know the difference between these two parts of your being which motivates you in different ways and creates different realities.

But I tell you the soul perception, that which your souls know and that which you will glean through these faculties will remain with you and become refined into clearer vision and understanding whereby a true reality will come into focus and you will see and come to understand how the understandings of the mind are not substantial in comparison to this soul awareness. Yes, this awareness emerges, begins to infuse your consciousness and brings great openings, understandings knowledge of Truth, recognizing God and all His handiwork both within you and all around you. This is the power of God’s Love within you creating these channels of awareness opening your eyes, helping you to know what is Truth, what is real, what is. God bless you, my students. God bless you. May God’s hand always be upon you. Your teacher Augustine is with you, is with you.