Give to others but do not do so with an empty basket

Spirit: Martin Luther

Medium: Al Fike

Location: Gibsons, BC

Date: August 20, 2015

God bless you, beloved souls, I am Martin Luther and I come to be with you this day to assure you that you all have within your souls a drop of the Father’s Love, a touch of His Light. You have received this in your prayers together.

There is such diversity in this room. There are the young and the old, there are those who have walked this Path of Love for many years, and those who have just begun, and those who seek, they are drawn, and those who wish to give, and those who truly understand the Love of God, and those who do not. This is as the world is. And there are those who believe that they are greatly progressed upon this Path of Love, but are not, and those who are humble and have no idea of their wonderful, bright souls, and there are those who long for Love yet do not understand how this is received within the soul but they wish for this and in their longings and in their efforts and prayers God will answer and bring them the understanding that they seek.

Yes, great diversity here, my beloveds, but each one is loved beyond measure, each soul is precious in the eyes of God, each soul will be redeemed by this Love in good time. So I ask you, my beloved brethren, brothers and sisters all, who seek the Truth, judge not your brother, judge not your sister, but Love them, for you do not know the Light within their souls, you cannot judge their Path in this world. You cannot be that one of authority, for only God can judge and God does not judge, He loves. He loves all.

So when you touch a stranger in Love you do God’s work. When you put aside your judgments you do as God wishes you to do. When you take up the work of Love that brings greater Light and understanding to this world you are fulfilling the desire of your soul. Every day is a choice, my beloveds. Every day you are given opportunities. Every day is a possibility to be in the Light. Bring these choices to your awareness and the possibilities that seek God in all of this. Seek God in all of this and your journey will be magnificent and the souls that you touch will be bounteous and unexpected. The encounters that you have will be wonderful. The life that you will live will be full of joy and fulfillment. But the choice, my beloved souls, is yours. You cannot give from an empty basket. You must give with a soul filled with Love. In this way you do not feel that you are being depleted, but you are being filled as you Love, so you shall be loved, as you give so you shall be given to. This is how God created your being, your soul. The more that you can love, the more that God can love you, in a conscious way, in a powerful way. And you will open and expand in this Love feeling the wonderful energies of this Love, feeling the vitality, the strength, the wisdom and the humility of this Love within you.

God needs many channels of Love in this world, for this world needs you. It needs you so very, very much to carry the Love wherever you go. Take up this flame, my beloveds. Walk boldly. Help to dissipate the air of darkness, all the wrongdoing in this world that is caused by the blinded souls, the suffering souls who do not even know that they are living in a way that is contrary to God’s Laws and Creation. They do not know, my beloveds, they do not understand. But when you are with them it will spark an awareness, it will spark something that will cause a change and a shift within them. But if you encounter those whom you see and know are in darkness and you judge them and condemn them, you do nothing but add to that darkness.

God wants you to be a part of His effort to dissipate this darkness in the world. You must not judge or withdraw or be repulsed. You must Love and give in Love, even those with terrible diseases, you may touch them and you will not be harmed if you do so in Love. And those filled with anger, you may embrace them and they will respond, not with violence but with tears There is much work, my beloveds, in this world for all of you who are willing who desire this. You cannot go far to encounter an opportunity to be a channel of Love. It may be manifest in a look, a touch, a smile. In many ways God can use you but it requires you to want to connect, to be used and to reach out to another. Remember this, my beloveds, God uses those who desire to be used in Love and Light. He will not ignore you. He will not allow you to sit on the sidelines. He wishes you to be fully in the game, the game of Love. God bless you, beloved souls. I love you, I am Martin. I love you. God bless you.