Spirit: Josephus
Medium: Al Fike
Date: July 10, 2019
Location: Gibsons, B.C.
Dear souls, I return. It is Josephus. I wish to acknowledge the two precious souls whose day is an important day and to wish them all Light and Love, that their souls may continue to thrive and grow in this great Blessing that God has for them and for all of you, precious and beloved souls. Bless you. Bless you deeply. Bless you always, in the Grace of God’s Love.
We speak much of the soul do we not? We speak in words, in concepts as we wish to convey Truth, helping to understand the nature of the soul. Yet, in many ways, that understanding is not fully realized. Because, for those of you who live in this world of yours that is so material and dense in its condition, your minds do not fully comprehend what it is that we wish to convey. You struggle to find the Truth of your true identity. You battle with those conditions within you that you are so well aware of, that hold you back from truly understanding your soul and truly being in communion with the Great Soul of God. So, the mind is often in control. The mind sows seeds that suggests that the soul does not exist. Because most of your lives, in truth, are lived from the perspective of the material mind. You feed this mind so diligently. You carry the thoughts in a way that you believe are so precious and important. Yet, so very close to you is a doorway to true understanding, to true enlightenment, to true joy and Love.
But for you beloveds, you continue to forge ahead, seeking to know this place, lingering at the doorway. At times, entering therein, seeking to understand and to acknowledge that part of you that is truly known by God and knows God. But you continue to retreat from that place to the comfort of the mindful perceptions with the understanding that for you to find credibility and purpose and strength within you, you must engage the mind so fully, so purposefully so that you will not be lost in the sea of the soul that is expansive and full of new perceptions and awareness. For so many in this world, they encapsulate the soul with the conditions created by the mind, seeking to rationalize this perception that is not within the soul, but without; seeking to be in that place that is, to some degree illusionary and not able to truly understand. Yet, it brings comfort to you, does it not, to have a mind that is finely tuned, that is articulate, that is clearly perceptive?
I do not wish to belittle the mind, but I wish to encourage you to venture to that place that is beyond mind, that place where the mind is so very cautious to enter because of the unpredictable nature of the soul. Yet, in that place, there is great comfort there as well. In that place, there is great possibility and potential that cannot be realized without entering therein. One enters the soul in deep prayer and contemplation. In this place, where the mind is set aside, one drifts and sinks into the soul and comes to understand the true nature of Love. For it is there that you have so fervently prayed to have within the accumulation of these golden drops of God’s Love, seeking to awaken your soul, seeking to acknowledge that place which we have so diligently encouraged you to go.
Yet for each one of you and all the souls in your world, there is a deep reservation to go beyond that place that is just slightly within this consciousness, rather than be fully immersed in soul. The mind continues to pull you back, frightened of the power of the soul, often reluctant to release control. You continue to feed your well-tended garden of thought, of ideas and concepts of what this is, nurturing ideas that are borne of the mind, collecting those ideas and speculations of others within your minds, rather than immersing yourselves within the soul without these caveats of thought and go to that place that is purely of soul reality.
As God’s Love continues to grow within your soul, as you allow and invite this Blessing to enter therein, the pull of this Love, this Light within, continues to draw you closer into the core of the being of your soul and continues to lure you into that place that, in the beginning, seems so foreign and so threatening. As you continue on this journey, you will become acclimatized to the conditions of the soul and you will allow yourself to be immersed in this bath of Light and consciousness of Love that comes as God touches your soul. Your connection with God is reached in a conscious way, through this willingness to be in that place so sacred and beautiful, communing with God in all its wonderment and beauty and glory. There is nothing in the material life my friends that can compare to this experience of awakening to your own soul in relationship with God. When you have been touched in this way, when you have experienced the power of Love, the beauty of God’s Touch within your soul, the Great Light that accumulates there through your prayers and efforts to receive it, there is no turning back, beloveds. There is no decision to say, “I do not wish to have this Great Gift.” For in receiving it, you fulfill the great promise of God to embrace each of His children in Love. In this embrace comes a deep upwelling of joy and acknowledgment that the soul has found its way back to its Creator.
This is an experience so profound, an understanding and awakening so magnificent that the treasures of all the Earth, the beauty of all the Earth, the wonderment of your existence in this physical world does not compare to what you have gained within your soul. So we continue to urge you to awaken, to enter therein, to be in that place of Grace. To awaken, awaken, beloved souls, to the possibilities that are presented to you with this Truth of God’s Love. Drop by drop, it accumulates within you, changing, transforming, healing, awakening.
Like a man who is suffocating, needing the oxygen of life, so the soul seeks the Living Waters of God to awaken and feel alive. Drink deep these Waters, my friends. Quench your thirst which will never be quenched. For it is a yearning and a desire that will be eternal. You will find your way to the Celestial Kingdom in all its wonderment and glory. Be in that place where God is present always and your soul finds its rightful place within you, alive and glorious in its nature and being, in the Great Light that is God. Enter into the chamber of your soul, beloveds. Feel the power of God’s Love and Touch upon you. Acknowledge that this is your true soul’s desires, to be with God in His Love.