You Will be Guided and Blessed

Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 13, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

Beloved souls, I am your teacher Augustine. Doors continue to open for you, beloveds. The flow of God’s Love is alive within each of you and in your lives. This blessing is felt by those who are with you, those who are around you. You are expressing this Truth with every breath, beloved souls. Remember, even when you are alone, you are surrounded by spirits who are drawn to your light. So, your work continues day after day, throughout your day and even into your night, there is much work that you accomplish. Much of this, you are unawares. For God does not distract you from the experience of your daily life to such a degree that you are unable to perform the tasks and duties that are set before you.

But what is important, beloved souls, is that you continue to pray and forge that connection of Love with your Creator, that you are open to His blessings always, that you pray to be used as a channel of Love, that you are in the Light, that you choose Light, express Light in your thoughts and deeds, that you conduct yourselves with integrity, with love. These things are important. No matter where you are or wherever you go, God will be with you. His Love will continue to pour upon you. You will be blessed. You will be guided as you approach each day with the prayer and intention of service and love.

Do not overly concern yourselves with details. Do not worry as to what God’s intentions are. Merely go with the guidance that you receive, the sense of direction that you have. You have already seen how God’s will unfolds and details are taken care of and situations are brought into harmony. Beloved souls, this will always be, provided you are in harmony and in alignment with God’s Will. You will feel the blessings of the angels with you. You will have clarity within your minds and certainly within your souls as to what is to be done. In any given day, the flow of God’s Will will manifest, often without fanfare and even recognition, but still powerfully expressed none the less.

Beloved souls, you have dedicated yourselves to serve God. Remember this. Try not to serve your own mind and what you call ego. Serve God in love and humility and all will unfold in harmony and grace. There will be an ease to your days, a beauty to your expressions. Harmony will come as you bring the Will of God forward in your lives and express it as well as you might, with your souls in this state of awakenness, eager for Love from the Source of all Love and eager to serve in love for your brothers and sisters. In this way, much can be accomplished and much will unfold with surprising and effective ways.

There is nothing to fear here, beloved souls. There is nothing to be overly concerned about; merely to be attuned to that sense of purposefulness, love, to be awake in your dealings in the world, not to go about your business as so many do, in a state of perpetual slumber. Consider the work that God wishes for you to do, beloveds. It is not beyond your capacity. It is not restricted by the material conditions of this world. For God opens up doorways and avenues for your particular expression and guidance, that is guided by God.

Be at peace, beloved souls. Know that you are always in God’s Light and that His Love pours upon you always, that His angels are with you always. You are never alone and you are always blessed. Open yourselves to this, feel it with every breath. The uplifting Grace of God’s Touch upon you, the beautiful Light that God surrounds you with, the guidance that is available to you, the purpose that God has put within each of your souls as these things are great Blessings from God. You shall be blessed with every day that passes. Every moment is a blessing. Your souls continue to awaken and absorb these blessings. So it shall be, beloved souls, so it shall be. Blessed are those children who wish to be a channel of Love, to work for God, to bring peace and Light and Truth and love to this world. You shall be blessed deeply, powerfully, beautifully.

May God’s Grace rest upon you as a mantle of Light, His Peace surround you, His Wisdom motivate you, His Love change you. God bless you, I am your teacher Augustine and my love is with you. God bless you, beloveds, God bless you.