A message from Jeanne’s loving mother upon passing into the spirit world

Spirit: Mary / Kay Dunbar
Medium: Maureen Cardoso
Date: April 8, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

It is Mary and I have the dear soul here with me and I have promised her that I will speak on her behalf. For as you know she is a joyful soul. She is full of humour and she wishes to say, for this dear instrument will appreciate it, “Is this really necessary?!” (laughter) Ah, yes, what a beautiful soul she is and we prepared her well during her last few weeks of her life on Earth and she will need some time to strengthen and adjust but my, oh my, she is full of fire!

She comes to say to her beloved caregivers. Dear Jolene, what a joy you were in her life. You brought so much richness, pleasure, laughter to her life. Your tenderness, your loving spirit, your healing touch, she is forever grateful for. She asks you to continue to speak to her and to continue your friendship together. She will walk with you and she will prompt you. You will know when she is near. She is deeply grateful to you for all the care that you brought to her life.

And she wishes to say to dear Sarojini. The love and tenderness, the purity in her eyes, the sensitivity, the deep care and love will always be remembered and always cherished for she touched her soul deeply.

And you beloved Debra, she is also deeply grateful in the way you reached out and helped in her care when you could and when you are asked. Her love too, is with you and will remain.

My beloved Judy, my child. You are grace, you are joy, you are tender and a gracious light. How could a mother be so gifted to have a daughter as you are. My dear angel, I am forever with you. I kiss you on your cheek and I wipe your tears and I love you, child. A deep blessing, a deep blessing you are to all. I will hold your hand often and I will be with you often. My love will remain with you, my dear, dear child. It is not good-bye, my sweet. I thank you for your touch. God bless you, my love.

My dear, dear Jeannie, oh my sweet love. You light up the world. You brought your friends to me, your children to me, your love to me and now my dear, sweet angel as your mother always, I want you to take care of yourself and I will be with you. Only think of me and I am there my dear, sweet one. You have a fire in you like I do and it is such a joy to see the way you light up your world. You bring me such joy. Your love so deep and your care so rich. You are a tender soul and as your mother I am so blessed that God gifted me a special child as you. My dear Jeanne, I see your light. I see your light. It is bright. It is so bright. My sweet child, I kiss you and as you lay on the bed in your healing, I will lay with you. I will be with you.

She is joyed. My friends she is joyed and she sends her love and wishes, embrace to her other children and asks that you be sure to relay this to them. She is a beautiful soul. A beautiful soul, indeed and will continue on her great journey to God on side of spirit but know that she is in a beautiful place and will be well taken care of. And she says she will come again and she will speak through her dear Albert. But she is grateful to this instrument. Together they shared joy and they shared laughter in the short time they knew each other. So, she says, “now get on with the show!” (laughter)

Our love is with you beloved souls, our love is with you at this time that you transition into the experience of your dear and beloved Kay being on side of spirit. Know that God’s arms are around each and every one of you as you celebrate her and as you move through any sadness or sorrow that you may experience. And when you miss her, she asks that you blow a kiss. This way she knows you are still thinking of her.

Oh, beloved souls it is a joy to receive this dear one. God bless you all. My love is with you. I am Mary. God bless you.