As You Pray Together You are a Channel of Love for Many

Spirit: Confucius
Medium: Al Fike
Date: November 3, 2018
Location: Gibsons, BC

Beloved souls, God’s healing and pure waters of love wash over you at this time, that you may be cleansed of all conditions that are not of the purity and light of God’s Love. He holds you close to His Bosom, beloveds. He draws you into the awakening that will open your eyes to His Presence, that will help you to release those things that burden you, that assures you that you are loved.

May you continue to be awakened to God, beloved souls, and carry this light wherever you go. And this light, this blessing, pours from you, through you, from this place to many others, those you love and care for, those who are stricken in grief that you pray for, those who are in deep need. You become a powerful channel of love and light in this world, that you pray together in this way. Beloveds, beautiful souls, bask in the glory of this light, refresh your souls, and release your cares, my beloveds. God is with you. God bless you. Confucius loves you.