Online Circle Helping to Build the Lattice of Light

Spirit: Seretta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: December 16, 2018

I am Seretta Kem and I wish to tell you that your efforts here are having an impact upon the conditions of your world. For as you continue to pray together in this way and your prayer sessions grow in numbers and strength, you are helping to build the Lattice of Light in the world. This Lattice of Light built upon the love bonds and prayers that you continue to express is important. It will help to bring many blessings to souls that you do not know of but are indeed receptive to these ministrations and flows of energies and love.

You reinforce the light in the world, beloveds, with your prayers and your intentions together. You will find that within your consciousness will be an awareness of the work that you are accomplishing together. I would suggest that you include this idea within your prayers, to think of this Lattice of Light in the world, to ask to be a servant who is a part of the construction of this Light, this net of Love that will in time encircle your world. For the world is in deep need and many changes are coming. You will need to be strong and you will benefit from this interlacing light that touches each of your souls, one to another to another and to God.

This will serve you well and will benefit your gifts and your work. As our dear and beloved Confucius has told you, there is much work to do. In this gathering together that you do, you are being prepared and you are being blessed and uplifted. You will walk in greater light as you continue in your efforts and prayers. Remember, we are always with you. We are always willing to help you, to reinforce your prayers, to be with you in your struggles in life, to help you to know and understand the Truth from that place of the soul that is indeed capable of knowing great Truth.

You are richly blessed, beloved souls. You are richly blessed and God continues to shine His Love upon you. May you continue to drink deep of these waters that nourish and heal and transform and bring you into greater alignment with God. We all continue to work together for the betterment of mankind, of your own souls, of the transformation of your world to something that is of greater light and harmony.

God bless you, beloved souls. I am Seretta Kem, one who serves you all in your efforts to grow and transform in the Love and in a deep desire to serve humanity and bring truth and understanding, love and compassion to this world of yours. May God bless us all in our efforts. I give my love to all, beloved souls. God bless you. God bless you