All Truth Comes From the Soul

Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Date: November 28, 2018
Location: Fitzroy Falls, Australia

I see that you have had a lively discussion this morning. One rather controversial in nature. One that has ruffled the feathers of a few, maybe even caused the clouds to collide to make thunder ( laughter). My dearly beloved brothers and sisters, you must realize that the multitude of spirits in the spirit world is vast and complex. Within that complexity are a great deal of perspectives and what you would call realities because the mind is a powerful tool that is expressed more readily within the world of spirit creating these realities in which many spirits abide by and live within, and believe that they have found truth. Indeed, they have found a truth that they have created of themselves and made a world real and substantial through their own creation.

You do not fully understand the power of your minds, the power of thought, the power of creation that you all possess. This is why in your world there are so many renditions of truth, because these spirits, fully in compliance with their concept of truth of which they own a part, believe that they have found the complete truth or a least a substantial part of it. Keep this in mind my friends if you continue to engage with many others, many who seek truth and have in their own way believe that they have found substantial truth. What you know within your souls, beloved friends, is the truth comes with a knowing from the soul, not a knowing from the mind. This is your signal to assess what another has said. If it resonates within your soul there is a familiar feeling, a gift that God has given you to know and sense that what you have taken into your mind through words and conversation, ideas and possibly experiences in prayer, rings of truth. If it does not ring of truth, it is not necessarily that your minds have blocked the truth. It is that your souls have recognized an untruth with the idea and knowing that truth is an expanding understanding. As your souls grow in the Father’s Love, as you awaken in this love, so truth is able to be received, not from the mind, and I stress this again my friends, not from the mind, at least the material mind, but from the mind of the soul. With each individual in their journey towards truth and understanding, the mind of the soul awakens and is able to grasp truth in a wholly different way than the material mind is able.

The mind of the soul absorbs truth. It does not work diligently to construct complex concepts and ideas of what it considers reality. This is how the mind operates. Instead, the mind of the soul absorbs truth as a blessing that comes as you receive more of the Father’s Love. It awakens truth as your capacity to understand and to know truth is awakened by this gift of Divine Love. So, you may converse and express your mental ideas, concepts of truth ad infinitum, but I tell you my friends, this does not add to your soul as the gift from God and His love adds to your soul with many truths and awakenings and knowings.

So, my friends, I do not discourage you to converse, to read, to consider expressions and ideas of another, but I tell you, take it to your soul. Come to know that familiar feeling and knowing from within that will affirm a truth that the mind may be speculating upon. You are mature enough within your soul, each one of you here, to understand that there is a greater reality within God and God’s creation. He has given you the faculties within you, within your soul, to come to know truth in all its wonderment and beauty, power and glory. This can only grow as your souls awaken in love. In time, you will not seek truth from others. You may take a book into your hand and know just from holding it whether it contains truth. You may read a phrase from an unexpected source and recognize “this is truth”. But most of all, in your prayers with your Heavenly Father, you will be fed truth, in copious amounts, if you are open to it and aligned with your souls to God. These things will come and flow in joyful, loving, living waters that wash over your consciousness and bring to you deep, deep insights into the reality of God’s creation. You must pray for this, beloveds. Ask for the faculties of your souls be opened in such ways that the truth will not remain a mystery and truth will not be a thing of speculation, it will be a reality of the soul. As you awaken within your soul, so this reality will grow and bring more and more of God’s Truth, the reality of His creation, the reality of love of which you seek and know.

God desires to give you all that you require and all that you desire upon your spiritual journey and quest for at-onement. So, it will be as you continue to acknowledge the beginning of all quests of the soul which is to open the soul to the inflowing of the great and transformative blessings of the Divine Essence. This is your path, beloved souls, and there is no need for other investigations, though God will never prevent you from such and we would never prevent you from such journeys of the mind. But I tell you, as I have told you before, that all truth comes from the soul. The truth of the mind is fluid, changes, is impetuous and not reliable though indeed the mind craves and longs to be filled and secured in a solid foundation of what it calls truth in order to substantiate its ideas and longings of existence. You see, your minds have a great longing to know, to recognize its own existence, to feel alive within this material plane. This is not a sin. This is how God has created you. But you must realize, and surely you realize, that there are other levels of wisdom and knowledge within you. Your sincere desire is to awaken these things within you so that the material mind and the mind of the soul may collaborate and come to an understanding, a harmony, an integration so that you may express truth in this material world, for you must use your faculties of language and reason in order to do so. Yet, the foundation of your discourse and expression must always be in that core place of your being that knows, that is speaking truth, that recognizes that what you say is in some way a reflection of truth. Indeed, that is refined as you progress and the language that you may use and concepts you may have in this conscious part of yourself will evolve and change and be highly influenced by the awareness of the soul as you continue upon this journey of awakening, of knowing, of recognizing the blessings of truth.

Beloved souls, you are still babes in the woods in this regard. Do not consider yourself an authority for you are not. You have not the faculties and abilities at this time that are in such alignment with God and with your own selves that is capable of expressing complex truth. Humility is important my beloved friends, humility and a deep understanding that the reality of God is merely a pale reflection within your consciousness compared to its true self. You continue upon that road of awakening and will someday come to a place of deep wisdom and knowing. But until that day, hold on to those truths that you know, and you know that you know, and release all else that you may speculate upon, for this does not assist you upon your journey for truth, nor will it enhance your efforts to bring truth to humanity.

Yes, it is a simple path, is it not? It is not adorned with many complex ideas and this is for a reason. For until all is predicated upon love, awakened in love, and reflection of love, you cannot venture into these more complex arenas with confidence or with a clear understanding of what this is. So, God encourages you upon a simple path as do we, so that you may truly absorb these things and live these truths. This is all that is asked of you. This is all that is required of you.

Indeed, many of you are challenged by the power of your own mind that is engaged in speculation almost compulsively. In this we have deep compassion for you my beloved friends. For we have tamed our minds long ago, but we have walked the same path. We have been human and realize the challenges of being human and so we see your progress. We recognize the milestones, the shifts and the changes, as you continue to venture towards the awakening of your souls in Love. At times, we come to remind you, as I do now, of what these challenges are and how the conditions of this world and the insistence of this world has upon the power of the mind, the mental condition which continues to press upon you and at times distract you.

I say to you, as I say to all dilemmas of those in the material world, pray, pray, and pray. Allow God to continue to establish a relationship with Him. This will awaken your soul, bit by bit, day by day and this is the source of truth. This is the path of truth. This is the way to truth. And it comes. It is infilling your soul at this very moment. It comes with faith and trust, patience and persistence.  You will walk upon this path and find jewels of truth beyond price, jewels of understanding that cannot possibly come from the material mind but will come with the awakenings of your soul. Allow this to come to you, beloved souls. Continue to pray for the inflowing of this wondrous blessing of the Father’s Love and you will find what you are looking for. Even your minds will feel satisfied with the great, bounteous meal that the Father offers you that is filled with kernels upon kernels of truth. God does not deprive you of anything, my beloved souls. God continues to nourish you and awaken you. There is no need to feel inadequate. Even the hungering of your mind may be acquiesced by the peace within your soul. Continue beloved souls upon your quest for love and awakening, truth and joy and all will flow in accordance to your desires, your true desires that come from your soul.

God bless you, my beloveds. I am your teacher Augustine and I will continue to bring some measure of truth to you as you are able to open yourselves and receive these gifts. God bless you. My love is with you. You know I am never far away and I am here to support and guide you as are many of my friends in the celestial kingdom. God bless you. God loves you, beloveds. God loves you. God bless you.