Seretta Kem Talks of the Service that May Come

Spirit: Seretta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Date: October 24, 2018
Location: Gibsons, British Columbia

I am Seretta Kem. I wish to speak to you today of what may come in the future for each one of you, as you continue upon this course of soul awakening and the awakening of your gifts as they are being nurtured and assisted by we in spirit. There is much that is possible in your life, many opportunities, many things that will surprise you. We have talked of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind, how this intricate plan continues to unfold in your world and bring you to that place of alignment, awakening, service, and greater love.

You will each be known in this world. For those of you who are shy about being known, I would suggest that you accept your fate. For if you are to demonstrate these gifts, to be a channel of light, powerful, and gifted, you will garner attention to yourselves. You will be known in the world. Though you may not be known in what you call the mainstream of life, you will be known in many places, often surprising places, cities and villages alike, where pockets of light workers are working diligently to bring greater light to this world.

These souls will come to know you as word of your work spreads. So this will prick up the ears of those who too desire to bring this blessing forth and light forth. Some will not subscribe to this understanding of God’s Love, but all will feel your light, know your integrity, experience the gifts that you have to bring as you touch another pocket of light. So, your reputation will spread. God will assure that many will come to know you. For this is God’s plan as well. You will meet others who walk a similar path who are in themselves gifted and of light. So a vast network of connection and effort will grow and will to some degree be coordinated amongst you.

You are but one component of a vast network that is being built and will flourish with the hand of God upon it. With your lights and the lights of many others, those nodes of deep darkness that exist in the world will be surrounded and neutralized by your efforts as a channel of God’s Will and Love. So, my beloveds, you carry a great responsibility. This is a time of deep change, deep healing for the world. Great shifts are happening. Though they seem subtle at this time, the power of these changes will grow and become very overt in the world. Not just the ideas and new thoughts that are being spoken by others through your various technologies, but a hunger, a deep hunger will step within the souls of many for truth and light. They hunger for love. They hunger for change, for healing, for peace in this world.

Like never before, humanity is well aware of what is happening in your world, where the darkness prevails, where the suffering is, where the error continues to flourish. In time, a great outrage will begin to grow in humanity, desiring to topple the forces of evil in this world, the governments, those who have wealth and power, and those who desire to exploit humanity. This is all being known in the minds of so many in the world.

Though many in this world are engaged in their lives, seeking the betterment of their lives, seeking to protect and nourish their families, there will come a time when the pursuit of materialism will not be their focus. They will recognize the hollowness of their desires and they will yearn deeply within themselves for love and connection and spiritual awakening. This will be emphasized by the changing conditions of the world, the upheavals and the responses from your Mother Earth to all that which has taken life from Earth rather than encourage life.

You live in a very important time, my friends, a time of great change and great opportunities. Though it is hard for you to see yourselves engaged in such great work, to be connected so extensively with others, to work together to bring the blessings of truth and love and harmony to your world through the power and awakening of your souls and your connection with the Creator, many, many things are possible and many opportunities will open to you. Remember, there is a vast network of angels working and coordinating and abiding by this divine plan. Yes, there are few of you who are so well-connected to we in the Celestial Heavens, but there are many others who are also connected but not as clearly so and you will help to clarify and to assist in their understanding so that they may work more powerfully in this great effort. So, my beloveds, you are very precious to us all. We have spent a great deal of time with you in love, in a deep desire to bring change within you, an awakening, so that you may carry this out into the world with eyes shining in love, with knowledge deep, profound, yet simple and humble, with the power and beauty of God’s Touch working through you, inspiring and awakening others who will in turn awaken others.

It is a great flame that will purify the Earth, beloveds, the flame of Truth that will turn darkness to ashes where you may begin again with the surety and knowledge of what is in harmony with God’s Creation, with His Love. So, my beloveds, we continue to encourage and nurture you, to be with you in prayer, to help open and awaken your souls to God. For it is in the intimacy and power of your relationship with God that will bring the gifts, the awareness, the love, forward in your life.

In many of you, your sense of yourself is somewhat feeble and weakened by your lack of trust in the power of your soul and your relationship with God. This must be released so that you may truly recognize the beauty and wonderment that is your soul, your being in the world. It is with this understanding which is not a feeling of power and dominance, rather it is of humility and love, that you may go out into the world and teach and heal, bring wisdom and light. You are each coming to that time of awakening, of accepting, of moving ahead with this great plan.

As you continue to spend these few days together, may you come to recognize the deep desire within your souls to fulfill your purpose, something that has been implanted within you even before you were born, as God’s plan stretches throughout the ages and finds its fruition at this time. So, He has sent many lights to your world to enact this plan that is beyond your comprehension, but is very real in your life. I know that you would want specifics, dates and times, the sure knowledge that your footing is sure and correct. I tell you, my beloveds, that this world is a very fluid place. Energies and conditions move in your world like weather patterns. Change is continuous. The human psyche and desires are unpredictable, and so, we cannot give you specifics. We only know that we all are trending towards light, walking in that direction and working as we can, given the conditions that are presented with each day. We all feel the sense of expectancy and change. Though we may see more clearly than you, understand more deeply what is coming, we cannot give to you the specifics that you desire to know. We all walk in faith, my beloveds. We all rely upon God and His continuous flow of guidance so that we may know His Will. So we are educating, training and developing you, each of you, in this ability which comes from the soul faculties to know God’s Will and to trust in what flows day by day, minute by minute. Of course, it is your strength, your ability to act in harmony with this flow of guidance, knowings within the soul that are relied upon, so that we may all work together in harmony and be effective in this world.

For change is coming. It will come no matter if we are engaged in it or not. But the outcomes of this change, what may come from this change is reliant upon those who are willing to be engaged in light and to know God’s Will. You see, we speak of great potentials, possibilities, opportunities, and this is the truth. But, the future is not written in stone, my beloveds. The future is made by the choices of each and every soul upon this world. The power of the error and the confusion and that most are asleep and incapable of knowing the truth, makes for a great challenge for us all, does it not? It is only when those who have the truth are strong enough and in deep alignment with God, that the effects of your work will bring deep change in the world.

They speak of Jesus even today and his work. One beautiful soul, humble, yet focused and determined and faithful and filled with love, made a great impact upon this world. You too, my beloveds, may make a great impact upon this world if you are also resolute, committed, and aligned with God, though you will not be the carpenter who became the teacher. This was a different time. But you may act together with others to infuse the world with light as God’s channels and instruments.

So we enter a very serious time in the world, one that is on the precipice of great change. We have called you together again and again, encouraged you to pray, to receive the blessings of God, to awaken, to strengthen, to know within your souls a deep love and compassion for humanity. These are your gifts that will express your abilities and this will come through in great light and beauty.

My beloveds, we continue upon this journey. You know in your hearts that what I speak of is true. You recognize the seriousness of the conditions of this world. You also recognize the great blessings that God has given to you in your lives and you have acknowledged the choices that you have made for light. God works in this way, my beloveds, through His simple plans filled with love, encouragement, acceptance, always urging you forward in light. This will continue for all eternity as you find your way, as you edge closer to a great journey of service and love. May you accept God’s Will always, beloved souls, and see that God’s way is the way of harmony, is perfect, is the highest, and will bring the greatest gifts of love and harmony, peace on your world. His desire is for the upliftment of humanity, as is yours, as is ours. May this be so, as you continue to awaken and strengthen. The wisdom of your soul comes to your consciousness. The knowledge of God’s Will is your guide and the power of His Love infuses all and motivates you to step forward as His channels of love.

God bless you, beloveds. Seretta Kem loves you and is with you. Feel the power of love in this room and may that love bring you great joy. For no matter what happens in your world, this love and joy is available to you always. It will not leave you. We will not leave you. God’s Hand is always upon you. It is in this knowing and being in harmony and alignment with God, that all will be possible and all work that is coming will find its fruition. God bless you, beloveds, God bless you.