Jesus’ Welcome to the Divine Love Mediumship Retreat

Spirit: Jesus
Medium: Al Fike
Date: August 25, 2018
Location: Gibsons, BC

I am Jesus and I come to bless you beloved souls, children of God. Such joy it gives we in spirit to see you come together in this way, to explore the possibilities of your service for God in love, to come to know your true natures and to share your love. May the blessings of the Father’s gift of His Love infill you to such great abundance that great joy leaps from your heart and wisdom grows within you and that you may serve the Heavenly Father in all that you do, in all that you are, to assist the transition of mankind from darkness to light.

Each of you carries special gifts, great potentials that are being awakened with your prayers for the Father’s Love. You will find that you will be uplifted and guided upon your path. I am with you every step of the way upon this journey, this wonderment of the awakening of your soul. You will be deeply blessed, beloveds. You are my disciples in this world.

Carry the truth wherever you go. Stand tall. Be a beacon of light and love and speak the truth as you know the truth. Walk as a child of God. Be a channel of love. Share the bounty of God’s blessings with others. Care for your brothers and sisters who are lost and in deep thirst for love. Allow yourselves to walk the path that God has destined for you and will carry you forth into the world just as I did and my disciples have done, carrying the message of love to the world. You will be guided and shown the way. Each day will be a gift and an opportunity to serve God in many different ways, many different opportunities to walk as God’s channel of love and light.

God bless you beloveds. I am with you and I have great love for you beloveds, great love for my brothers and sisters who walk upon God’s path Divine. God bless you, keep you in His Embrace. Deep peace to you beloveds, God bless you.