Elevate your gifts through Divine Love

Spirit: Seretta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Date: August 28, 2018
Location: Gibsons, BC

I am Seretta Kem. Some of you know me well while others do not know me. I lived in Egypt many thousands of years ago. I am a healer and a chemist. I work with those mortals who desire to develop their gifts and who also subscribe to the way of Divine Love. I am an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom and I, along with many others who live in these beautiful realms, come to assist mortals in their spiritual growth and soul awakening.

You are fortunate to be in this beautiful Centre of Light, which we have built, along with those on the earth plane who have prayed for this, to create a refuge from the conditions of the material world so that you may be in an uplifted environment, a condition of light. Indeed you all feel this upliftment, these conditions that have been built, and you benefit by this. Remember that the very foundation of all that we do and all that you may do, is your commitment to receive the gift of the Holy Essence of God into your souls. Without this foundation within you, all that we speak of, all that you may aspire to, cannot be. For all is predicated upon building this light within your souls.

Yes there are many in the world who practice spiritualism, mediumship, healing, who teach their own version of truth and who have a certain power and ability to communicate with spirits and to bring forth healing energies of the earth plane. In the case of your endeavors and aspirations, you seek for the highest. Thus, you must follow the laws pertaining to being in the company of angels and to be a channel of love in the world. Love that is not created by the natural love in which all humanity exists, but the Love of God that must be given by your prayers and desire to receive.

Beloved souls, without your clear expectations and desires to reach for the highest, to receive this great gift that is available to all, then what you may create and build within you is not of the highest. Though beautiful in its own right and may bless many in its own way, it does not have this direct touch from God. It is merely the operations of the material universe put into action, creating certain conditions and benefits from this desire to bless others as a channel, a conduit for these energies that are available in the universe. Many find this pursuit to be satisfactory and wish to go no further than to perfect their gifts in this way.

With the gift of Divine Love, there are no limitations to these blessings. Indeed they too follow some of the laws that are required in order to exercise these gifts, but with the blessing of Divine Love, something more is added. There is an elevation of the gifts of each soul ignited by the Divine Love. These gifts are different. They have a different quality than the natural gifts. Yet you are all born with these gifts, these natural gifts within you. As I have said, you may pursue the development of them upon the path of the natural love, your innate abilities. But they will always lack that direct touch from God that brings higher outcomes, a more powerful expression, that which is in greater harmony with the laws of creation.

There are the laws of love that accompany the pursuit of the Divine Love. They are above the laws of life in as much as there is greater potential, a more powerful expression and outcome when one is bringing these gifts forth of their soul. Without a soul ignited in Divine Love, these gifts remain more of the material plane. With the Divine Love, they are transformed and elevated into something deeply spiritual, something that is in alignment with God.

Every soul has a choice as to what they may do with their own potentials. Each of you have a desire and a curiosity in regards to your abilities and gifts. As you have noticed, we stress the importance of receiving the Divine Love. You must listen deeply and come to understand fully what this entails. When you are at that place of understanding, when you are upon that road to at-onement with God through receiving this gift of Divine Love, then many gifts will unfold. Many possibilities may be realized. This cannot be rushed. It cannot be forced. It cannot be manifested like you assume you might manifest something in your life, through your mind’s desire. It must come with the awakening of the soul receiving God’s Love.

God’s Love is not parsed out by the Holy Spirit. What you receive is dependent upon the intensity of your desire. The disciples received the Pentecost in a moment, changing their souls forever. Their desire was intense. They beseeched God for this gift of His Love and God responded with a thunderous of pouring of His Love into their souls. This is possible, beloved souls. But remember, these were different times, more innocent times in some ways. Today you are often focused on many things. Prayer becomes just one element of your day. As such, your efforts to receive this gift of Divine Love most often comes drop by drop. It is indeed a slow and incremental process. As you grow in this Love, as this Love continues to turn your eyes to God, as you become more sensitized to the workings of your soul and the presence of God in your life, then many gifts and blessings come, and they come with your awareness and knowing.

Many of you here know of these gifts that I speak of, and some do not. Yet you are all together in prayer and a desire to know and to learn, to reach beyond your human condition to something more divine and uplifting. You may help one another in this. Let your light shine, be loving to one another, uplift one another, support one another and God surely will use each one of you to be a channel of His Love for one another, to bring greater blessings and understandings. This is how God works in the world, beloveds.

Each of you wishes within your soul to be a channel of love, an instrument of blessings. You wish to use your gifts in this way. These gifts come forth through your expression of love. It must be the very foundation of all that you do. The more powerful the love within you and the clear expression of it, the greater the outcomes in your service and expression of your gifts. It is simple. God’s universe flows and operates on simple but profound laws. If one follows these laws, understands the process, there will be success in many ways and dimensions. So again we encourage you to open your souls to the inflowing of God’s Love. Seek God above all else and your gifts will flourish in this one desire for the highest.

God bless you beloveds, I am Seretta Kem. I am with you as you pray as you are together. We mix chemicals and energies amongst you to help you to realize these gifts that are within you, potentials waiting to be realized. You may feel different sensations and energies. You may perceive lights, colors, many things. This is our work. Though you may not perceive in detail what we do, you may have a glimpse, a sense of our efforts. May God bless you with deep insight and deep knowings of the soul so that you may unravel the mysteries of the universe, that you may know the wonderment of Love. God bless you, beloveds, and keep you in His care. My love is with you. I am Seretta Kem. God bless you.