Spirit: Jesus
Medium: Al Fike
Date: June 6, 2018
Location: Gibsons, BC
I wish to tell you, you have each received a unique blessing, a blessing of a shield of Light. It envelops you my beloveds, a gift from God. It shall be with you always, protecting you that you may carry the Light wherever you go. And this gift and blessing is not just bestowed upon you, but upon your circles and those dear souls who continue to be part of your efforts.
This blessing of Light is meant to bring to you strength and protection from the conditions of this world that continue to escalate and cause disruptions. As your souls grow in Light my beloveds, so you draw to you these blessings and gifts from God and they help you to navigate the world and to be God’s instruments of Light. And so this gift will be with you my beloveds. Though you may step outside of this shield of Light, dependent upon your thoughts and conditions, as long as you are in alignment with God and your souls desires are for the highest and to receive His blessings of Love, it will be with you beloveds.
You have felt its power. It has been with you for awhile now and it shall sustain you. God has blessed you. Not only with the gift of His Love but the gift of this beautiful Light, this white and golden Light. It envelops you all. May this increase your faith, strengthen your desires for Light, bring you closer to God and help you to be in that place of being in the world but not of the world. It is important to continue to nurture this Light, to nurture your souls, to bring yourselves into greater alignment with God. In this way, we may make a closer rapport with you that you may be more receptive to God’s Guidance, that God may use you more effectively in the world and bring many blessings to others. God’s Touch and Inspiration will come more readily as you continue to bring this blessing of Light to you, for it will strengthen and grow. This gift is something given as a gift from God in His Love for you and His desire for each of you to continue upon this journey of awakening and service in Love. It will never leave you my beloveds, and it will grow and expand and many will feel the power of this and a deep peace will come with this Light, a deep peace, a stillness, an awareness of God’s Presence. Continue to pray for the blessing of His Love, to seek to live by the laws of His Love and to serve in a desire to be a channel of His Love and this gift will be sustained and strengthened with each prayer you make, each effort to serve another, to express Love in this world. This Light will grow and strengthen and expand, a gift from God, my beloveds, a powerful gift, that shall assist you in your efforts for Light in this world and protect you from the ever strengthening conditions of darkness in this world.
Be at peace my beloveds, know that you are truly loved and that all good and wonderful gifts will continue to be bestowed upon you. As your faith strengthens and your love grows, so it shall be. You will be blessed. God bless you my beloveds. I am Jesus and I come to bring you the good news of God’s continued blessings upon you. God bless you and my love is with you, precious souls in Light, precious souls who know God and His Love. You are blessed, blessed mightily, my beloveds. God bless you.