Release the pains of your soul, for God needs you to be strong and clear

Spirit: Alec Gaunt

Medium:  Al Fike

Location:  Gibsons, BC

Date:  June 29, 2015

God bless you my friends.

Yes, I was with this instrument in the garden today and he thought of me and I was pleased to know that he was consciously aware of my presence. This will happen more and more as he develops in his soul faculties and becomes more sensitive to spirit communication and presence.

Indeed, he has worked diligently to create and provide a beautiful setting for all of you to abide in the fruits of his labors, to be together in Love, to provide a sanctuary. And he, along with our Heavenly Father, has worked together to bring about this blessing in your lives and in his life. And in times to come, this sanctuary will provide shelter for many, this sanctuary will provide healing and comfort to many. As he works within the garden, tending his fruits and vegetables and flowers and trees, he draws from the ground and from the Heavens energies and blessings that build in Light and beauty and this will be utilized in the future to bring the comfort and shelter that is necessary in the coming days of disruption and difficulty.

Jesus has asked you to come together, to speak to one another, to ask, to be guided and to share with one another your innermost dreams and thoughts, ambitions and ideas for your futures as God’s channels of Love in this world. This is a necessary and important part of your working together on behalf of Truth. Do not discount the opportunity that has been laid before you, for we in spirit are making great preparations with each one of you to help you come to that place of receptivity and soul awareness of what it is you are required to do in this world and how it is that you are to work together to fulfill God’s plan. And a mighty plan it is, as we in spirit have great anticipation and joy at the prospects of the changes that are coming. This will require your dedication, your willingness to serve, to be a clear and powerful channel of Light in the world.

So much is dependent on the few souls in this world, who are truly willing and have been prepared for many years, to step forward and bring a new Truth, a new awareness to mankind. There are two choices for humanity: one is definitely not desirable, where the other will bring great change and joy and peace to this world. And we do not inform you of this predicament to bring fear into your minds or to cause your minds to speculate as to what is truly meant by this, but we bring you this information and this encouragement so you will make your efforts to prepare yourselves and to understand what is happening within you and around you at this time as God brings extra and beautiful energies and blessings to you and all around you, and for those who are being prepared to come together in this way.

Much is being given, my beloveds. This is not done out of desperation or fear, it is done out of Love and anticipation, joyful anticipation, of what is to come. It is for you to focus your thoughts and your efforts in this direction as much as you can. This is very important. It requires you to make choices in your life at this time that will speed your progression and bring greater awareness which awaits you. For God is waiting to give you what you require to do this work, to fulfill this great purpose that you have been blessed with. The only thing that stands in the way is yourselves. Do not hold on to those conditions which are causing you grief and consternation, anger and pain. Ask for this to be released and it shall be. But you must want to go to that place that is also vulnerable and honest. In your journey to that place, you will be accompanied by the angels and cradled in God’s arms. The healing touch shall pour within you and you will know relief from pains harboured for many years. Then, in this release, you must discipline yourselves so that your mind does not return to these old patterns, to be free and joyful and adopt a new way of thinking and doing and being which is more in harmony in God’s Love and His Will. Of course this will not happen in an instant, it is incremental, it is sporadic and it often comes when you least expect it. But when it comes, go with it, release it, and allow God to heal you. It will come in unique ways for each one and now is the time to be completely honest with yourselves and with God, to take that long look, that hard look, that necessary look, in order to allow what is essentially the last vestiges of inharmony within you, that which clings on the most tenaciously, to allow this to be released to God.

Do you understand this, my friends? How necessary it is to release, to truly release these conditions to God, and in that fleeting pain, that time of anguish and recognition, do not draw it back within yourself and hold on to what to you seems dear and so much a part of you, for truly it is not. Your souls long for Light and release, and freedom and Love. This is what is truly a part of you now. Ask God to heal you in this way, this is your time for great healing, for transformation, to accept the Truth fully within yourselves and to walk this Truth and be this Truth in everything you are and everything you do.

Then you will be used in miraculous ways, great healings will be accomplished, you will speak with truth, and wisdom, and authority. You will truly become a disciple of the Master and bring this message of Love into the world, for you will have truly come to love yourselves as you are meant to, and in so doing you will love all those in the world.

Carry on my friends, you know the Truth. It is time to use that knowledge in every way possible, to heal yourselves and to make that great step forward as God’s channels of Love. We pray for this each day and each moment and are with you each day and each moment.

God gifts you many gifts and brings you much Light and this shall always be so for His children who walk in Love. God bless you, your friend Alec is ever by your side and prays with you and does what he can to help and assist you. God bless you, my love is with you. God bless you.