The many benefits of praying in a Circle of Light

Spirit: Confucius

Medium:  Al Fike

Location:  Gibsons, BC

Date:  June 13, 2015

God bless you, my beloved beloved souls, this is Confucius. Yes, the dear beloved mothers who have passed to this side of life are present with you, my beloveds, as are many many spirits. For each of you have many spirits of all levels of progression with you as you walk in this world. Your Light attracts this, my beloveds. How you are in the world brings those who are curious and those who are drawn by the law of attraction to you, and when you sit in this circle of Love and prayer many spirits are drawn to this Light. Some are curious, some have been brought and many angels surround you, my beloveds, for your work and your efforts to reach for God elicit many responses from my side of life. And as you draw in the angels, each one an angel to assist you in your prayers this night, a great Light is formed, a great Light of healing, and peace, and comfort, and God’s Love and presence is part of your beloved circle of Light.

So many benefit from this, my beloveds. Many benefit from your prayers and your actions, and you are watched, my beloveds, every moment of your lives you are watched. So I would urge you to conduct yourselves in such a way as to be a teaching vehicle for all those spirits who watch you and all those mortals who surround you in your lives. Each moment is a moment of choice to reach for Light, to be a channel of Love, to seek your Heavenly Father in all that you do. And in this way you draw many to you, both in spirit and in this Earth plane, many are drawn and they are drawn in many different ways.

And there are those around this globe who are praying with you at this moment and those who are connected to you around the globe are being influenced by your prayers. Even when they are going about their business on Earth, they are affected. Your souls are connected, my beloveds. So the network of Light grows, the Light between you grows, the Love between you continues to brighten, and the Love that you share as you continue to receive the Father’s Love and communion strengthens these bonds so that they will remain for all of eternity, my beloveds, a bond of Love. And you develop a community and a fellowship that brings within it great support and a sharing of your struggles to reach for Light and God’s Love.

Yes, so many benefits from coming together and making these efforts as you travel upon the roadways and the vessels to come together in this way, you are drawn by the Light, you are drawn by a desire within your souls to be together in this Light. Continue, beloveds, continue to come together in this way, for this not only benefits you, but many many others both seen and unseen, known and unknown, loved and those who are strangers are benefitting from your efforts, my beloveds. And this Light is used by the angels to bring comfort, to bring spiritual sustenance to many in the world whom you will never know but nonetheless it flows from this place to many places. So you see this innocent desire within you to come together in simple prayer have many influences and effects in your world and in the world of spirit. A great Light is formed and as you come together again and again forging your bonds ever stronger you create a greater Light with your desires unifying into a great longing towards the Father, the source of all Love. And this creates a response that brings the healing and the Love, the comfort and the Light to this place so in need of such benefits and blessings.

Continue, my beloveds. Be in the Light and know that you are in the Light and that God loves you so very dearly and recognize within yourselves your souls which long for God’s Love. Acknowledge this and put this longing to your Heavenly Father, that your souls may be filled with the Divine Essence, the great agent of change and transformation that will come into your being and change you irrevocably and for all eternity, my beloveds, this powerful blessing of Love is for the asking. No soul who asks in earnest prayer and longing is turned away. It is given, even to the very lowest it is given, for God’s mercy is abundant and universal. His Love is for each and every soul in this world and the next. It awaits your longing and your call to receive it and to know it and to continue to long for it. Blessed and beloveds, I am Confucius and I love you and I am with you always, beloveds, always. Upon the Path Divine we walk and shall walk for all eternity to at-onement with our Heavenly Father, gracious God, beloved source of all Love.