You will fulfill your mandate to be a channel of Love at my home

Spirit: Brother Mandus

Medium:  Al Fike

Location: Gibsons, BC

Date: June 27, 2016

…. to receive the benediction of God’s Great Love, I am Brother Mandus and I come because, my daughter, of your service to my house and because of all of your connections and desires to serve though this channel in that far off place. And I come to reassure you that the door still remains open for God to work through all of you to bring Light to my country, to bring Truth of God’s Love into the rooms and hallways of that place. Yes, the door remains open and though with your minds you see many obstacles and judgements directed towards you, towards all of you, I would say that the time fast approaches when the tables will be turned and that door which is opened will allow you to walk through and do God’s work there.

Yes, this is God’s Will. This continues to be God’s Will and though there are those who wish to thwart God’s Will and twist the mandate of this organization to their own ends that they may comply with an intellectual goal and understanding of this spiritual work, oh, how in error they are. How they have closed their eyes to Truth and feel justified in so many ways to expound upon their own personal views and speculations as to the flow of God’s Love and Healing and how it requires that simple understanding, that soulful desire of a soul imbued with God’s Love.

And all of you here have this understanding and this Love residing within you and what a blessing it would be within my home that you can work as a channel of God’s Love and Will. What a blessing and gift that would be. And it is my firm desire, it is the desire of the angels that it be so and it is God’s Will that it be so. Do not underestimate the great force behind you, the power of this and the great ability of the many angels who are working to this end.

And it has always been such in your world how negative forces work stringently against God’s Will and Light, Harmony and Healing. And even I in my day was of two minds. In my heart, my soul understood these simple Truths of Love and Grace and Faith and this motivated me to a great extent in my work, and yet I too, was enthralled with my own image. I, too, worked in ways of the mind. I, too, clearly did not understand nor accept fully the Truth, the simple Truth, for I needed to build up within myself a great image, a strong man. And this, to a great degree contributed to my success, but I tell you it was unnecessary.  

To be humble and loving, to be clear and strong in your faith is what is required and as you walk in the world in this way, God will use you in many different ways, many different channels, opportunities, levels will He use you as His instrument and this is more powerful, my friends. This is more powerful. For it does not require a personality, a strong man or woman to be exemplary of some image concocted by our cultures. No, it requires a soul earnest, simple, clear and loving, close to God and this is the error that prevails within those of you who are making decisions for the future of this organization.  You feel you need a strong man and this is not true. You need a good man or woman, someone willing to take up the cause and to listen to God’s Will and voice, for this is the key for the future. This is what will be taught by your examples. This is what will bring the healing, the Light, the Grace and the Love. And it is the mind filled with preconceptions that holds you all back from this simple, powerful, great Light and channel that will be built and reinforced and manifest in this place. For it is God’s Will that a place of healing and refuge, power and spirit, love and healing will manifest there as it will in others places in the world, lifeboats if you will, in the coming storm and it is your desire and God’s Will that you prepare these places, lay the foundations, the groundwork for the work that will manifest there and elsewhere. And yes, it will begin in my home to a degree, but this is only the first step of many steps around the world. Stepping here and stepping there where God guides you to go, where the work will manifest, the places of Light will grow and you will collect many on your way, on your journeys, and many will see, many will put aside their mental reckonings of Truth and come to know their hearts knowing of Truth of Love.

So my friends, do not lose heart. Do not be discouraged. Do not assume that all is lost or there is nothing to gain for there is still before you a great opportunity, an open door, a possibility that God’s Will will manifest in this great house and will draw in many, many souls who feel compelled, who are in need, who can support and contribute to this work.  

You will see. You will see, my beloved brothers and sisters. Yes, much work to be done and you follow in good faith and you trust in your God’s Will and God reaches to you and in this partnership, in this mutual understanding. So much will be accomplished because you put aside your willful human natures and made a choice to follow your soul’s desire, which understands God’s Will. You will manifest this in ever purer Light as you grow in this Love, as you grow within your souls, as you continue to commit to the flow of God’s Love and Will.

My friends, I am joyful. I see the possibilities. I understand now far more clearly God’s Will and I support your efforts wholeheartedly with love, with my prayers and my keen desire, which originates from my soul, that you be in that place, that you work, that you open further doors, that you take up the reins and guide this place to greater service far beyond what you can imagine at this time, far beyond …. the unfolding of a wondrous journey. The unfolding of the transformation of this world in accordance to God’s plan for the salvation of mankind. You are a part of this. You will be a necessary link in this great chain of events that will unfold in surprising and dynamic ways, and the world will turn and listen to what you have to say, for you will speak for the Heavenly Father. You will speak the Truth. You will bring manifestations affirming and confirming these Truths and others will join you in this great effort that the world may be transformed.  

Thank you for allowing me to speak. I am pleased that this instrument was aware that I wished to do so before you gathered together in prayer. We will continue to forge these connections and yes, my daughter, you and I have had many conversations in spirit regarding the future as has this instrument and all of you. Do you not all feel compelled, a sense that you will be there in this great house working for Light? I tell you this is not just fantasy. This is and will be the truth. Do not underestimate the power of God’s Will.  Feel within your souls the joy of knowing this and do not let your minds counteract and contradict what your souls know. Be patient and humble, prayerful, knowing that God’s Will will manifest in time.  

God bless you, I am Mandus Nyquist and I am an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdoms and I am so very happy that such beautiful souls wish to enter the threshold and do this work, carry it on into the future, the future full of promise and change and Light. God bless you. God bless you.