Spirit: Matthew
Medium: Al Fike
Date: April 16, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC
May Love be upon you, beloved and beautiful souls, brothers and sisters all in the Father’s Love. I am Matthew. I come to tell you, beloved souls, that you are never alone. Though you may feel apart and the distances are great amongst you, you are never alone. God is always with you. As you continue to pray for the Father’s Love, He sends His Angels amongst you so that you are never alone. When you are in need of comfort, when you are in need of healing, of upliftment, of love, all you need do is pray and ask for this blessing. It will come in some way that you recognize and understand and feel as a truth. For you are never alone.
Even though in this human condition that you reside within, that lacks so much in love, that for some, having fellowship is difficult, even friendship, know that you are never alone, that God’s hand is upon you, beloved souls. He embraces you in Love. He carries you in Light. He pours upon you His Blessings. The Holy Spirit touches your soul each time you are open and send this desire forth to God to receive a Holy Benediction of Love. In this way, when this Love increases and grows within your soul, you cannot feel alone. For the understanding and acceptance and knowing of God’s Presence comes as your souls are awakened in Love. So it is not possible for you to feel alone once your souls recognize that God is present and God touches and embraces your soul. At any moment, at any time that you reach out, there is a response and His Love pours forth in compassion, in joy, in God’s desire for each of His children to awaken in the Light and Truth of His Love.
Beloved souls, there is nothing restricting you from this gift, from the possibility of receiving this gift, from the experience of enjoying and acknowledging this touch from God. The power of Love within your souls ensures that in some way you will know its Presence and you will feel the upliftment, you will recognize the changes that come as this Love works its blessing upon you.
God does not restrict His blessings to any soul. Even though you may reside in some place isolated and difficult, where there are too few who will make an effort to reach out to you beloveds, reach out to them in love. Express the feelings of your soul, which is love. In this way, there will be responses, often unexpected, blessings from many who feel the Grace that comes from you as a channel of His Love.
So for you beloved souls, those of you who have grown in this Love, who’s Light shines intensely in your souls, make that effort to be a Channel of Love to whoever you meet, in whatever circumstance you meet them in, be a Channel of Love, because so many feel isolated, so many feel unloved. You have the opportunity to bring warmth and connection to another. In this God will use you and you will feel the flow of His Love reaching out to another. This is how the world will change, beloved souls. It is one to another to another, reaching forth, breaking the barriers, defying the fear and the darkness that keeps so many in loneliness and isolation and in saying “We are all brothers and sisters, we all share a life in this world and we all desire to love one another”.
You speak of the Lattice of Light, my beloveds. It does exist. As you reach out and connect with others, you increase the weave and complexity of this lattice, bringing others into this beautiful network of loving blessings, truth and light to the world. Ask God to strengthen your souls, to awaken your minds, to inspire you, and to guide you, so that you may see the opportunities before you and seize the day, so that you may be used as a Channel of Love for another. These gifts, these gifts of service, of opportunity, to bring Love, are abundant and are readily recognized, once the eyes of the soul are opened and the desire of the mind is to serve and to be in alignment with God.
It is your choice, beloved souls. God does not force anything upon you. God waits for your choice and your desire to manifest in alignment with His Will, in alignment with His Laws of Love. In this way, you will see many changes in your life and many opportunities that will come your way that will be surprising and beautiful and sometimes challenging. But in all of these experiences you grow in love, as you accept God’s invitation to serve in love. The more love that you give, the more that you are willing to put aside your judgments or your fears, your reticence, and step forward in love, the greater will be the blessing upon you my friends. The greater will be the joy. The greater will be the opportunity to serve and to grow in love. God blesses you abundantly beloved souls. You have the conscious awareness of this truth. You exercise your faith and your desire and longing of the soul to receive this gift.
May you see how your souls expand in love, how your souls wish to influence the biases and thoughts of your mind and turn it to love. As you do so, God will bless you and help you in this transformation of being, of expression, bringing forth your true self. Life is a great gift, beloved souls, and life gifts you with many opportunities. May you grasp what God has given you and may you act upon the perceptions and understanding that come with the awakening of your souls and may you serve your brothers and sisters in love always. The Earth needs love. The world is in desperate need of light and harmony and truth. May you find your way to be a channel of some degree to bring this so, to turn the world from darkness to light, to help heal and bring peace to your world. God waits for each of you to step forward in this way. At times you do and as you do so, so it will become easier and more fluid, more beautiful as you express the gifts of your souls.
May God bless you upon this journey, beloved souls. I am Matthew. My love is with you. I have been with each one of you at various times, as have many beautiful Angels been with you in your day and in your night. May God bless you abundantly so that you will recognize and know that you are never alone. God bless you, beloved souls, my love is with you. God bless you.