You are Blessed Upon Your Journey

Spirit: Jesus
Medium: Al Fike
Date: April 16, 2019
Location: Gibsons Online Circle, BC

God’s Love is upon you, my children. I come. I am Jesus. I come to bless each one of you upon your journeys, that each has struggled to come to this Truth and have found their way by the strength of their souls and the reckoning of their minds to find Truth. I bless you, beloveds. Each of you are blessed and loved by God and nourished by His angels upon this journey of light and truth. Remember, I will lead the way and light the way for you. My love for you is strong and I know each one of you. I know your souls. I know you and my love for you is great. Blessed are the peacemakers. Blessed are the children of God who seek love and give love. I am with you, God bless you, beloveds. I am with you.