Tribute to Barb

Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Date: April 14, 2019
Location: West Vancouver, BC

It is Augustine. I have come to acknowledge our dear and beloved instrument who has worked diligently for many, many years upon your Earth and has touched many souls with love. Through her efforts, each of you have been touched with the truth. Her legacy is this circle, those who carry on this Truth of God’s Love, and will continue to share this Truth with many. For all the lost souls who have found comfort with this dear and beloved instrument, who has listened to her guidance each day and enacted God’s Will in her life.

Beloved soul (B), you have built quite a legacy. You have brought much light into the world and your soul is bright with love. When your time comes to enter into the world of spirit and join us in the light and joy of God’s Love, you will see what you have accomplished through your faith, through your trust in God, through the brightness of your soul awakened in Love. There will be great joy and a deep understanding of your life and what your efforts have made in the world, a difference and it has always been your desire to make a difference and you have, beloved daughter. You have been faithful and true in your purpose, a great example to those who love you and are with you, an great example indeed.

For the power of love within a soul may accomplish many things, may be a great and powerful channel of love in the world, touching many souls, bringing much comfort, healing, peace, truth and love. You have never withheld, beloved daughter, never withheld when God compels you to love, to give, to walk with the lost and the needy, to uphold those whose souls begin to open to the Father’s Love. You are cherished by us in the Celestial Kingdom. You will be honoured, beloved daughter, upon your entering into our realms. All that you have forgotten will come again. All that you are will be reclaimed. Your soul shall dance in joy and love on the reawakening of your being in the reality of God.

God bless you, beloved soul, and keep you in His tender care, enveloping you in His Love, enwrapping you in Light. God bless you, beloved soul, my dear friend who I have been with for many, many years and shall continue to be your friend for all eternity. God bless you and keep you all in His Love. Your teacher Augustine is with you and loves you. God bless you.