Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 11, 2018
Location: Gibsons, BC
It is your teacher Augustine. How fortunate we are to have the blessings of the master, for his presence in your midst. It is the longings of your souls, my beloveds, that brings this gift and this blessing so close to you and may you continue to long for the highest and be in that great flow of God’s Love that brings many of these gifts, in which you are grateful for, forward in your lives and expressed and manifest so powerfully.
This place is blessed by God. This refuge is meant for many to come and feel the peace, the beauty and to avail themselves of the Love of God in a setting that inspires and envelops all who come. This is part of your work. This is an aspect of God’s blessings, not only for yourselves but for many others who will come, who are drawn to this Light and seek solace and peace in this place of refuge.
Continue to open your doors my beloveds, to embrace all those who walk through its threshold, to encourage your brothers and sisters to pray with you and be within these circles of Light so that they may know the beauty and power and glory of God’s Love, that they may be encouraged to seek this blessing within their souls, that they may carry this Light within them and in time create their own refuge of Light wherever they are in the world.
Is this not God’s plan, to build the Light, to secure His children in Light, to have His children know of His Love for them and the power of that Love that can heal all things? All things in this world and the next may be healed in Love and the touch of God.
May you continue to bring greater Light into your midst, to allow God’s Will to work through each one of you in its beautiful and harmonious ways, opening doors yet unimagined, seeking truths yet unknown, feeling joy in ever greater measure as this great gift of Love brings its changes within you and expels all that is painful and not of Love.
You are truly in the midst of this great transformation and all that causes you pain, that brings its dilemmas, its heartache, will fall away from you my friends, will fall away in time. The power of prayer, the power of your own intentions, the power of the desires of your soul determine how quickly this deep healing will come but I tell you, you are very much along your way towards the redemption of your souls, the healing of your being in Light and Love.
Continue to have great faith. To walk with courage and strength. To seek Love and Light wherever you go. To seek to help your brothers and sisters upon your road. For you will encounter many souls, many in need, many who seek. You will encounter those whose souls are indeed matured in Love whom will gather with you and walk a ways upon this path as God gathers His children together, marshals the forces of change and healing for this world.
Much awaits as you well know. God continues to bless you each and every day my beautiful and beloved students who do indeed seek for highest, the greatest good, to seek for the welfare of this world that it may be healed.
God embraces you my beloveds. God is with you. Be with God in every way. Feel the Love of God in every part of you. Allow its great influence and healing powers to touch all of you.
God bless you. I am your teacher Augustine and my love is with you. God bless you.