Spirit: Seretta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: August 31, 2015
It is Seretta Kem. Though this instrument is in pain, we are still able to communicate, for when Love envelopes you, the material conditions dissipate and the physical is not important at this time. This is a good lesson, my beloveds, how the physical body can be influenced by the Love of the soul and the touch of the angels and God’s healing upon all aspects of your being.
The winds of change are blowing, my beloveds, the winds of change, and it will blow many souls into your orbit. Where you have a handful of souls praying with you, you will have this room overflowing. God is guiding many to you, my beloveds, and every soul in this world feels the power of this change, they have some inkling of what is to come, they feel the momentum building and the forces of the world being unleashed . Yes, you have been told of this change that is coming, and we do not tell you so as to create concern within you, my beloveds, though there will be some adjustments and difficulties. Remember, God will work through you, no matter the conditions which assail you. God will work through you, my beloveds, and you will walk as a Light, a beacon in the world. Trust in this, walk in faith, do not concern yourselves with these difficulties, but concern yourself with God and His Will for you. For you must teach the children in this world, the lost souls that with the power of this faith the world will be healed and greater wisdom will abide within each soul, and healing, great and powerful healing will bring peace and Love and balance to this place, this planet, this world.
Many of you have prayed to be used as a channel of God’s Love in the world. You are needed. In the times that come there will be a great need and much work and God will open the doors and forge the Path for you to walk. And what He will task you with will be surprising in its scope and humbling in its effects and power in the world. Now is the time, my beloveds, to embrace this Truth completely without reservation or doubt or reticence. To say: ‘ I am your child, dear Father, and I walk with You and I know that what You do in this world, Your love of all Your beautiful creation needs this healing and this change and shift so that all will survive in harmony in Your Grace and Light. I am with You, dear Father, I walk with You. I trust in You. My faith in You knows no bounds. My Love for You is constant. My desire to be Your channel of Love is my consuming passion. I walk with You, dear Father, and I love You. I love You. ‘
You all carry a Light and within your souls you are in the Truth of His Love. You must come to that place where the Light within your souls comes forth in a conscious, clear, and powerful way influencing all that you do and all that you are accepting, accepting God’s Will and walking a Path that is not created by man, but by God. My dear and brave souls, you are loved, surrounded by angels, touched by God, nurtured in Love and Light. Be in this Light always, beloveds, and you will not know any harm, nor will anything stand in your way, for God is protecting you and guiding you. And you will walk a Lighted Path through darkened times. God bless you, beloveds. Seretta Kem always by your side, always in service, always fulfilling our dear Heavenly Father’s Will for you, for this world, for all the souls in this world, for you forge a Path for many, many souls and we assist you in your efforts to do so. God bless you and keep you in His Light. God bless you.