Nurture those you encounter

Spirit: Mary

Medium: Al Fike

Location: Abbotsford, BC

Date: April 14, 2016

God bless you, it is Mary. Continue to nurture all those around you as you do, for you each have a nurturing heart that is full of love and you give much to those you encounter, embracing each soul with your loving heart, and as you do so you do God’s work, and as you do so you draw my presence with you. For it is the nurturing heart, the heart that brings comfort, the heart that is full and expresses itself by reaching out to many, acknowledging the many souls you encounter with your eyes full of love that you indeed do God’s work.

Continue to fill your hearts with God’s Love, to express His Love in all the beautiful ways that you do to do this work of loving your fellow man in simple and beautiful ways. For that touch of love has a great power and God places within the souls of those you touch a desire for His Love and this is powerful and will ignite great change within that soul in time. Touch many souls, beloveds, touch many souls as you walk in this world. Always have compassion, always bring love and nurture in whatever way you can those that you encounter, for each is a child of God and you are God’s servants in this world.

God bless you, I am Mary and I am with you as you love and care for and nurture those whom you encounter. I am with you and I love you. God bless you.