Spirit: Sri Yukteswar
Medium: Al Fike
Date: October 15, 2022
Location: Dallas, Oregon USA
I am Sri Yukteswar. Beloved daughter, you have answered the call and heard the guidance and affirmed for yourself when you pray for a blessing that is in harmony with God’s intentions that indeed everything falls into place and all is in harmony, all shall come in harmony. You have seen how many have responded in loving kindness. You have seen how those souls that are meant to be with you have come. And many more manifestations of Divine Will will come to you, beloved daughter, and you will see for yourself how God’s plan will unfold and manifest in beautiful ways.
Continue to pray fervently, to seek the Divine in all things, to walk upon the path that is lit and blessed and truly be God’s daughter in Divine blessing and intention on the earth so that He may use your instrumentality in a multiplicity of ways, walking along the lighted path as many join you and much comes in the blessings of love.
We are pleased and you know that many of us surround you and are here to consecrate this hallowed ground so that your work may indeed truly begin. The flow of love will intensify and draw many into the midst of this place. May God bless you, beloved daughter, and bless you all, beloved children, in the glory and wonderment of a God who loves His children, a God that brings all that is of goodness and light and love into the world. And so this portal shall be that conduit of many blessings. We thank you for coming to sustain and build this gift. God bless you. I am Sri Yuktesar. My love is with you as is the love of many, many angels who have come to join you. God bless you in His Love, in His Love.
Yes, this place is very conducive for healing and I hope that you will utilize these conditions to your benefit and your blessings. We will be here manifesting healing, manifesting blessings for the good of all mortals who come and walk upon this place.
May God bless you, keep you in love, keep you in light, uphold you in health and wellbeing. God bless you, beloved souls.