Spirit: Confucius
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: July 20, 2015
It is Confucius. God bless you. God bless you with a mighty inflowing of His Love. May you be open and yearning from the very depths of your souls for this gift, this transformative gift that will make you into an angel. Yes, it will transform you from a mortal being into an immortal angel, my beloveds. This is a powerful gift, it is a unique gift, it is a blessing from your Heavenly Father and His Essence flows into your very being transforming you and making you whole and at-one with Him your Heavenly Father, your Creator; truly His Child, truly a being of Light.
You will understand the universe in a way that you cannot comprehend at this time, but it will open to you like a flower opening to the sun and you will know God, you will truly know God. This is our promise to you, my beloveds, that these wondrous openings and awarenesses, this glorious joy of redemption will be yours as you seek this gift of Love, it will be yours and will set you upon a journey which will be for all eternity my beloveds. Can you imagine this, a road for all eternity in Light and Joy, in ever unfolding truth and awareness, in ever closer communion with your Heavenly Father, seeing the universe through His eyes, knowing life in this great river of Love?
Seek earnestly, beloved and beautiful souls, seek this Love above all else and these blessings will be yours and will multiply and multiply, and in time you will look back and when you think of yourself you will wonder, who was that person? that person that was me, for now I am different. Now the beauty that is within me is magnified, now the wonderment and joy within my consciousness is deep and profound and I am expanded in Love.
Beloved and blessed souls be at peace and know that God has His Hand upon each one of you and walks with you as you desire to walk with Him. You are His children and you are cared for as such in many ways, ways that you do not comprehend. And all that is required of you, my beloveds, is to Love your Heavenly Father and go to Him for your sustenance. So simple, yet this choice, this choice brings such change, such power of transformation, such joy and peace.
All is waiting and God waits patiently and lovingly and smiles when you turn to Him. God bless you. God bless you, Confucius loves you dearly, beloved beloved souls. God bless you.