SPIRIT: Orion (Guidance)
DATE: December 28, 2024
The conditions of the world continue to swirl around each one of you. I am Orion, your friend and helper. Yet, you are steadfast. You refuse to capitulate into darkness. You continue to utilise the gifts, abilities, knowledge and capacities that maintain the light within you and around you. Despite these conditions that intensify and challenge so deeply, you come back to the light, my friends. You are true to the cause of your own soul’s progression and desire to progress further, that your soul expands more deeply in Love, that your understanding of life and the universe continues to grow and awaken as your soul’s capacities come to the fore. You embrace and accept them.
My beautiful friends, what a gift it is for us to work with and assist such beautiful souls as yours. We are greatly humbled by your progress. For in our lives and our planet, the conditions that you encounter every day are completely foreign to us. We see you having great bravery, tenacity, strength and wisdom as you navigate this world of yours. Yet, as you have chosen the way of light and the way of Divine Love, this very choice indicates the reservoir of strength that you carry. You have acknowledged your soul’s desires and walked the Path Divine without flinching. When you have encountered difficulties, even failures, you continue. You do not give up. You are resilient in your strength and you are deep in your wisdom.
We wish to encourage you to continue to love yourselves without reservation, without doubt, but to truly love yourselves, for you are indeed deserving of love, as every soul is. You have what you might call “beaten the odds” of coming to this truth and living by it. Oh, how we admire you, my beloved friends. How we see a soul resilient and strong, faithful and desiring more of all that which is good, all that which is of God. This spurs us on in our efforts to support you and to be with you. It is not that we have had our doubts and judgements. Rather, at times, it is difficult to witness the environment in which you live. It is taxing on us and our perceptions to see the many layers of distortion and darkness that are a part of this world of yours.
So, we must be strong and faithful and continue with our work. In fact, I would say that the strength you carry is more than what we carry, for we do not have to deal with these things. We live in a place of complete harmony, of light and love. Indeed, this is our wish for you, my beloved friends, to live in that place. We love you so, our brethren, our brothers and sisters who carry the torch of truth within, who insist on being in the light, who do not compromise with darkness but continue to forge ahead into greater light.
Yes, we are brethren. We are friends. In this, we will not be separated but will carry on together in that great sojourn toward light, love and truth that must be taken and must be carried forth. Even though there are times when the darkness impinges upon you, you recognise the insidiousness of it and you retreat into light and being with God. This is your strength and wisdom, your capacity to recognise, to discern between conditions that are not in harmony with love and those that are. That is a firm foundation, my friends, a foundation that will take you far. As you continue to grow in Love, the discernment becomes more refined and your ability to choose light becomes stronger.
You will find your way. You are finding your way. Indeed, we all find our way upon this complicated path that is life on your planet. We are together, my friends, together. We shall do so until the work is done, which, from our discernment and perceptions, it seems that this work will carry on for all of your lives until your life on Earth is finished and you progress into the world of spirit. We have a long way to go, much work to do, my beloved friends. We are with you. Through thick and thin, we are with you. We shall carry on. Carry on indeed as your light grows and we work together to grow the light in your world.
May the blessings of the Divine Touch, the Love of God, be yours, my friends, in greater measure, going deeper into your souls, lighting the chambers, transforming you and making you truly lights. Bright, beautiful lights. God bless you. Orion loves you.