Goldie affirms her presence at a garden club lecture

Spirit: Goldie

Medium:  Al Fike

Location:  Gibsons, BC

Date:  June 21, 2015

The birds are singing and the sun is shining, and all is well in your world is it not, my beloveds? And all shall be well in your little world of Light, of harmony and Love. Do not feel threatened or worried. Be at peace. Be joyful and know that God is with you in every step as you walk in this world.

Yes, I was with this instrument as he talked to the crowd and I think he enjoyed my presence and even though he talked of bugs, souls were touched and Light abounded. Whatever the theme and the place and the words, there is still an opportunity to be a channel of Light in the world. Remember this. Even though you speak of words that are not of God, there is still a Light and a touch of the soul, a touch of the soul. Whatever you do and wherever you are, God uses you in this way. Precious souls, God bless you. God bless you. Your friend Goldie is with you often. When you feel a lightness in your step and a joy in your heart I am with you and God is with you. God bless you.