Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Date: November 4, 2018
Location: FUSC, BC
I am Augustine. God is gathering many souls, in many different ways, in prayers, in conversation, in mutual efforts to bring the Divine Love, the Truth of the Divine Love to your world and this will expand, beloved souls. This will only expand as you continue to make these efforts, as you continue to open your souls to this great gift of Divine Love. Beloveds, there is a great plan that God has for the salvation of mankind. You may all be a part of this plan if you so choose, if you are open within your souls and have a clear desire to serve for the benefit of mankind and for the opening of the Truth of God’s Love for humanity.
So, I would ask of each one of you to be fervent in your prayers, to long intensely for the gift of this Divine Love from God, that you may open the faculties and possibilities of your soul so that God may use you in many different and creative ways to reach others in your world. There are so many lost souls in your world, beloveds, so many who within their souls long for this Truth. But this Truth must be spoken. It must be demonstrated. It must be expressed through God’s instruments on this world of yours. So you are each given an invitation by God to awaken in His Love, to express His gift of Love through the unique souls that you are, that this expression may reflect the power and beauty and glory of His Love that burns and resides within your soul, that you may step forward in your life to all those whom you meet with each day and bring a gift, a blessing, a touch, a truth to another. If you pray to be used in this way, beloveds, God will orchestrate the opportunities to do so. He will guide you. You will know within your souls and this will come to your consciousness what you may do in a day what may come about in the flow of His Will and His Love flowing forth into you and through your lives. Blessed souls, you continue upon this adventure of soul awakening, of knowing God, of receiving His blessing of Love. Along this journey will come many opportunities for each one of you to serve in love, to reach out to your brothers and sisters, to be a channel of love in the world. The possibilities are endless, beloveds. It is only restricted by your own soul’s ability to be a channel of love, to be awake to these possibilities, to be close to God. It is His Love, the power of His Love that will open these multitude of doors and to bring the gifts of service, of truth, of healing, of comfort, of peace, of joy, not only to yourselves, but to many.
Now is the time to step forward, beloveds, for this world is in desperate need of love. This world is in desperate need to know God and His Love. I ask you, beloved souls, I ask you to pray to be of service, pray to be a channel of love, pray that all that would restrict this be removed. Pray that His Love may flood your being, awaken your souls and your consciousness to the reality of God, to the truth of God, and you may indeed find many surprises and opportunities available to you in your service, in your daily lives, in your expressions of your true selves in your world.
God bless you, beloveds. I am Augustine and I love you. God bless you.