Fortify the Network of Light with Your Prayers

SPIRIT: Orion (Guidance)
DATE: January 07, 2025

God bless you, my beloved friends. I am Orion. You continue to contribute to the enlightening of the world and we contribute our efforts and light in this regard as do you. My beloved and beautiful friends, as you gather together, as you do so consistently and reliably, you are contributing to the Lattice of Light in your world. What you bring in your prayers and your efforts is broadcast through this network of light. It affects and uplifts many, many who are connected to you, many who are connected to you and you are not even aware of that connection.

This Lattice of Light is a vast network of connectivity that brings many blessings through. It is a transmission of many blessings, energies and gifts given. Indeed, you help to bring blessings to the crystal gift that you were given a number of years ago now and that network is blessed by your efforts. The transmissions are gathered and broadcast out into the universe as a blessing and a light. Of course, there are many who are connected to each one of you in your daily life and they too benefit from your efforts.

You see, when God brings beautiful souls such as yourself together, it is not just for your benefit. In God’s universe, there are many layers of benefit, many individuals who benefit. You are a part of this vast network that is building and intended to create light and bring blessings to others, dispersing the darkness, the conditions in your world and contributing to the universe in its own way and its own right.

My beloved friends, as you grow in the Father’s Love, so these connections will grow, so the lattice will be strengthened and will multiply in its connections. Those in the universe who are in alignment with this great pursuit of soul awakening will be drawn and will be a part of this beautiful network. In time, you will come to know these friends, your stellar friends, your spirit friends, your Celestial friends, in greater numbers and greater detail. As your capacity to perceive, to understand and to be in your soul grows, so these awarenesses and this connection becomes enlivened, more detailed, deeper and wider. Of course, the greatest benefit of all is that you come to know your Creator in greater depth, in greater feelings of love, acknowledgment and perception.

As you continue upon this path, these things await you, my beloved friends. You come to see the vast network that God has created. God desires for His creation to be connected in harmony, grace, beauty, light, love and wisdom. These things come as you grow in Love and you will find that your perceptions will heighten. The various experiences that you have in your prayers and contemplations, even in your thought processes during the day, will bring you further enlightenment and awareness of the many that you are connected to and love.

So much will come as you continue to grow in your soul. You need not force this or put pressure upon yourself in this regard. It will come as a natural flow of your soul’s awakening. I merely ask that you be receptive and that you have the faith and desire to have these things open to you. So, your life, your perception of life and your experience of life will be altered by the power of the great Essence of God entering therein and bringing to you all the gifts and blessings that come with this. My beloved friends, may you continue to grow in the Father’s Love. May you continue to grow in all that is love, all that is light and all that is you in light, enlightened by love.

God bless you, my beloved friends. I am Orion. I continue to walk with you and be with you, for I am part of your network. I am part of this great and beautiful network of love and light that continues to grow and surround your world. I contribute as you do. We all contribute to the awakening of humanity. God bless you, my friends. God bless you deeply and fully. Indeed, I will be with these two beautiful souls as they embark upon their journeys. I will speak to others who come into their circle and seek enlightenment, truth and love. God bless you all, beloved friends. God bless you.
