Spirit: Keea Atta Kem
Medium: Maureen Cardoso
Date: July 4, 2019
Location: Burnaby, BC
This Keea, Keea Atta Kem. I reside in the Celestial Heavens and have come a long way to be with you as you share in this time in your prayer circle, making this great effort, this great effort of discovery of who you are in truth, who you are as a created soul. As you sit here opening your heart and opening your soul, asking for your Beloved Creator to touch your soul with His Great Essence, this begins a journey of transformation of your soul. It is the greatest effort that one can make while on Earth, the greatest effort, opening yourself, inviting in this great blessing of Divine Love, this pure Healing Energy, the highest Gift available in all the universe.
In the beginning, it is not always so easy to recognize this Touch of God. So please do not be discouraged if you do not feel that you have been touched by this Love. For as you continue to dedicate your efforts and your time and a true longing, a true desire comes from your soul, there is sure to be an answer by God. For what is important is that this longing is from your heart and soul. It does not require the mind for the mind can be entrapped with many dogmas, thoughts, and ideas that inhibit the soul and the heart opening up to Truth.
So beloveds, reach from your heart when you reach to God inviting in this Pure Essence of Love that will transform your soul. All conditions that inhibit Love will be released. Those conditions could be anger, jealousy, feelings of unworthiness, competitiveness. There are many things that inhibit Love flowing.
So we encourage you to open up as often as you can, communing with your Creator, developing a close relationship, awakening your soul, coming to know who you are in Truth. As this happens in your life, you will see many changes. One of the blessings that will come to you is you will begin to live for your brothers and sisters rather than against your brothers and sisters. For judgment is something that exists within each one of you. But the deeper awareness of the truth of your soul will awaken by this gift of Love and you will long to live for your brothers and sisters, serving the goodness of humanity and seeing the light of another that is before you. It is an endless journey, beloveds. One, should a person begin upon Earth, is very blessed to know.
There are many angels that pray with you now and surround you bringing a deep condition of Love and Light in your midst. Many healing energies come through this Portal of Light that exists in this sacred building, bringing healing, bringing love, and bringing light.
May you reach from your souls to God and may this Essence of Divine Love touch you deeply as you pray and sit and receive. God bless you, beloved souls. I am Keea Atta Kem and I think you for hearing my words. God bless you.
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