Spirit: Goldie
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 7, 2019
Location: Abbotsford, BC
Greetings and blessings from the world of spirit. I am Goldie. I want you to know that I too have enjoyed your visit my friends and I have been with you on many occasions while you have been together for I help to bring joy to those who are seeking joy. For is not life worth joy, to feel, to express, to have in one’s daily life the nourishment of upliftment, the nourishment of joy in one’s heart, the feelings of joy that come with knowing God? God’s joy is immense and it flows to you in His Love, beloved souls. It flows to you in His Love.
So bring joy into your hearts always, beloved souls. Bring joy into each moment. For with joy comes opening, acceptance, enveloping in love, awakening in love that aspect of God is joy, beloveds. Know and feel it in your hearts, always, the excitement of life, the joy of living, the joy of love and friendship and coming to discover all the beautiful souls that God has created and all the beautiful things that God has put on your Earth. This is joy. I love joy. I love you and I’m joyed to be with you.
God bless you, I’m Goldie. I love you.