Spirit: Goldie
Medium: Maureen Cardoso
Date: June 28, 2019
I am here Goldie. Oh, my very beloved friends, it has been a while since I have spoken. I wish to let you know that I have been with you on your travels, bringing joy and bringing a sprinkling of love and light upon all the many situations, places that you’ve prayed, people that you have met and shared your stories with. I bring joy and I wish to add to dear Francis’s message to see with the eyes of your souls the many possibilities, to share love, to see love, to express love, and to allow love to move through you. For this great storehouse of love that you have within your souls longs to flow from you, longs to bless many, desires to touch all.
So when you see through the eyes of love and joy, the world that which you walk in is filled with possibilities. And this, my dear friends, is what we wish for you to focus upon: all the possibilities that are set before you, the many ways that you can make a great difference in your world by simply being the essence of love. For love embraces, accepts, acknowledges, and receives. Love does not push or impose upon. Love is the great blessing of allowance, allowance of each soul to walk their path to God, just as you are.
So be in great joy, my beloveds. Yes, we continue to walk with you bringing our influence of love, joy, our insights to each one of you. You are deeply blessed. Goldie loves you and sends you upon your journeys with a great light of joy, peace, and happiness upon your journey.
God bless you both. My love is with you. I am Goldie.