Awaken to the Greater Love

Spirit: Matthew
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 21, 2018
Location: Gibsons, BC

Bless these, thy children, who seek to know their souls, who continue to pursue the path to know You, to know your Love. Father bless them, for in this world each one struggles for Light and desires to know Truth. Each one, your blessed creation, your beloved child. May they be blessed accordingly, in conjunction with their desires for Light and Love, healing and peace. May they be blessed and touched by your Love that heals the soul and brings comfort and Truth to all those who seek.

God bless you my beloveds, I am Matthew. You each walk such a unique path and yet you come together to share your love and desires for Light and Truth. You are drawn by your souls, my beloveds. You seek the sustenance for your souls that you may awaken and know the greater Love, the Love of God. In this you will know yourselves, those parts of you that are hidden but eager to be known. Those aspects of yourself that have lain dormant for many years but now are eager for the light of day, to be an integral part of your life. These things come from your souls, my beloveds. These desires, these gifts, these abilities and faculties that give deeper meaning to your lives. A greater perspective of life comes from that deep place within you, that vital place that is your soul ever seeking the Light, ever seeking the Truth, ever seeking expressions of Love.

As you come together in this prayer, you strengthen your souls in Light. You bring yourselves to a place of respite from the world and receive God’s Touch and healing and peace. All of these blessings are for you my beloveds and many more. Do not allow the conditions of your world to overwhelm you and bring you away from God. Always seek to be with God. Bring your prayers forth to God each day and listen for the answers that come and feel the Love that comes and know that you are indeed God’s child and you are not alone nor will you ever be, for God is with you always.

May you come to know this deep relationship with the Creator and that you may seek what it is that your soul longs for, to receive this blessing, this Love from God. It is always available to you, my beloveds. It is never withheld and never will be. It is the greatest of gifts, the most beautiful of experiences. As your soul awakens, so you will come to know God in a rich and full understanding that will emerge from your souls and bring to you many insights, many truths, many rich and wonderful experiences of Light.

Drink in this blessing, my beloveds. You are in the Light at this moment. Drink in these blessings, all that God has to give to you, all that you may be receptive to and able to truly commune with God. This is what your souls seek, beloveds. It is the answer to your souls’ longings. Receive and acknowledge the Source of all Love.

God bless you, beloved souls. I am Matthew and I pray with you in this beloved circle of Light. God bless you. God bless you.