Spirit: Mary
Medium: Al Fike
Date: July 2, 2018
Location: Gibsons, BC
May you continue to receive the Father’s Love within your souls. I am Mary. There are many in your care and keeping, my beautiful brothers and sisters, who require your strength and love. I will be with you, my beloveds, as you care for those who need you, as you express your love for those who are weak of the physical, who are old and require love and support. Do not forget those children in your lives, those souls who indeed struggle in this world. May you continue to be a channel of Love for the benefit of those in your environment, in your world, so that you may serve and bring comfort.
The world continues to struggle, my beloveds. You continue to come and drink from these living waters, to sustain and support yourselves, to bring Love into your souls through prayer, to seek the fellowship together in this prayer to God, for His blessing of Love. Carry one another, my beloveds. Be strong for one another. Be loving. Include each other in your prayers. Seek Love. Seek Love in your lives. For God’s supply of Love is unlimited and is available to each one of you, if you merely ask in prayer. Seek and open yourself to this blessing. So much can be given with this simple, humble, clear longing from your soul.
We are with you beloved souls, we are with you. We are with your loved ones. All those who pray together at this time, blessings go forth. Blessings go forth. May the Father continue to bless you, my beloveds, keep you in His flow of Love, His care and keeping, His Light. He shall send many angels to comfort you, to be with you in your work, to be with you in your prayers. For when you pray for this Love, you incite the Laws of Love, this response from God’s Soul to yours. He sends His ministering angels to you and His Love flows into you and you are blessed, beloveds. You are blessed.
God bless you, I am Mary. My love is with you, beloved souls. My love is with you. God bless you, God bless you.