Heights of Light Rare Among Mortals

Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Date: July 9, 2019
Location: Gibsons, B.C.

I am Augustine and I welcome you to this circle, this Circle of Light, this circle that God has blessed and has brought each one of you within it; a pearl within the string of pearls;  lights, all of you, beloved souls, lights who have purpose, who will be utilized in this time together to help one another grow in the Father’s Love, to bring truths forward in ways and means that are powerful to harmonize you all. For each one of you is part of a plan that God has laid forth and wishes to implement in this world. It is for you to be together, holding hands in love, acknowledging from that place deep within you what God wishes for you to do. 

There are many gifts within this circle, many great potentials, possibilities that may be realized given the acceptance and desire for the flow of God’s blessings upon you and His guidance for you. So, for each one of you, it is important to search your souls and acknowledge that which is within that deeply desires to move in the flow and Will of God, to be receptive to this Will and flow that will guide you forth each day. Are you strong enough, beloved souls, to accept humbly the guidance given whether it be through an instrument such as this or laid within your heart with an understanding of your mind what is meant to be? God reaches you in many ways. God will continue to open doors of understanding and knowledge and love. 

But it is for you beloved souls, to put aside the human condition that is so prevalent in your world and accept and seek out that which is above the human condition, that which is of God. This is not an impossible task, beloved souls, but it does require your focus and your efforts. Often, it requires for you to set aside your preconceived ideas and notions of truth and come to that place where purity lies, where truth is understood and yet difficult for the mind to accept. This is your challenge, each one of you, to walk in the Truth of God, to humbly accept His Will, to seek out the power of His Love to transform your souls and awaken the faculties that lay within. For each can contribute greatly to your world as a channel of love and truth and light and blessings for many. But there are two paths that may be taken. One is where you have control and devise the plan for yourself; this is the human way; this is the way of the mind. The other is where you relinquish this control and instead you are obedient to God’s Will though this is something that the mind does not readily accept for you have all been taught to come to that place of self-realization and empowerment. 

But I say to you, the higher way is the way of God. The more perfect plan is the plan of God. The deeper understandings, gifts, expressions of spirituality and flow of His Love and healing and grace and peace comes through your soul that most readily relinquishes its control to God. For the perceptions and understandings of the soul are very different from the mind. It is the struggle of humanity and certainly your personal struggles to blend together the perceptions and inclinations of the soul with that of the mind. To overcome this deep-held pattern and desire to control your movements, your efforts in regards to spiritual work and service. But it is not what we wish to encourage, beloved souls. We wish to encourage humility, simplicity, truth, love and service in love. Our desires for you at this time as we bring you together is to help you to understand these simple truths, this simple way, and to acknowledge the power of God’s Love, its transformational qualities, what may come of this Touch of Love within your souls, what may be a great shift of awareness and perception of yourselves and this world. 

This is the change that must come not only for each one of you beloved souls but for this world. For too long humanity has willfully taken control of this world and brought much pain as a result, for  the minds of men are not capable of truly understanding the workings of God and His Creation. They may come to some place of understanding, some level of knowing through their mindful actions and investigations, but we implore you, beloved souls, to go deeper, to come to that place where the faculties of the soul flourish and the potentials of the soul are realized. This can only be through the inflowing of God’s Divine Love. This Holy Essence from God will ignite the faculties of the soul. God gives you that choice. At this very moment, the great power of Love, the blessings of God’s Essence, is all about you and it is for you to invite it within you. It is for you to accept this Gift. In doing so, you embark upon a journey that is magnificent, eternal and transformational. 

Beloved souls, we are very happy that you are together, and we wish to continue to teach and to help enlighten you upon your journeys. We ask that you exercise your will in favor of allowing your souls to be uplifted in the light that is here, in the grace that God gives to you at this time, in the beauty of His blessings. In this regard we do not wish to make these times together excessively mindful or intellectual. This is not our goal, but to bring deep healing within your souls, your bodies and your minds. To bring individually insights and understandings that will inform your next steps upon this journey towards God. We invite you to open that door, awaken that desire within your soul to be with God, to walk upon that path that is Love, to yearn for God’s Touch of Love within you. The power of His grace will bring you to that place of true upliftment, true and powerful blessings, the wonderment of the faculties of your soul to be awakened and to show you what is possible.

So, my beloved and beautiful friends, each one a light, each one a precious soul to God, may you indeed come to utilize this time for the upliftment and edification of your soul. Be prayerful, beloveds. Be clear on your intentions and your desires. Know that these things inform what may be in these coming days. Most of all, yearn for God. Allow His great blessings to inflow into your souls and your beings and we will bring you to heights of Light that are rarely reached by mortals. 

God bless you, beloveds. I am your teacher Augustine and I thank you all for being together in this Circle of Light, eager to be awakened, eager for truth, eager to love. God bless you. God bless you, beloved souls.

