Your Efforts are Necessary to Bring Change

Spirit: Albert Einstein
Medium: Al Fike
Date: July 9, 2019
Location: Gibsons, B.C.

I am Albert Einstein and I want you to know that I am climbing the stairs towards the Celestial Kingdom. I have been doing so for quite some time now and I am close. I am in the seventh and will soon be part of that illustrious family of Celestial angels. I want you to know that I have observed you a great deal, in this time of my continued progress and soul development. For, I am a curious person. I want to know everything that is of Truth. I want you to know that some of you here have helped me in my progress, as you have helped many in spirit. Continue to speak the Truth to all who will listen. So, I have discovered the key to awakening the great potentials of the soul. It is this Divine Love, this Essence from on High that illuminates all those faculties that lie hidden within the soul. 

I wish to encourage you all in your spiritual work. Great leadership does not come from great intellect, my friends. It comes from great heart and clarity of thought. When one adds a sincere desire to help humanity to whatever that you do in life, then there is a great power that comes with this expression and I say, a great love that comes over those who have compassion for the many who are lost in the world and ignorant. 

I am beginning to realize that much of the insights that I gained when I was on Earth, came from these faculties within me that my mind had trouble to recognize. But because I also had a deep sense of intuition, I was able to put together many things that my mind was able to comprehend and my soul was able to receive from outside influence. So, I was a great success in the world and I must say that it was not because I was what they call a genius. It was because I had gifts and capacities that I allowed to be expressed, that I trusted. This brought deep insights into the secrets of the physical world. 

Now I wish to apply these gifts to teach and bring forward insights about the spiritual world and the soul in relationship with God. There are many like myself who are deeply eager to guide humanity towards Truth, to guide humanity towards the Source of all Truth, to guide the soul to Love. 

My beloved friends, you are on the right course. You have many gifts and potentials amongst you. If these capacities were realized and expressed in ways that others can understand, then you have the ways and means of making a great impact in the world. Those things that I accomplished in my time in the flesh, will pale in comparison to what you may bring to help the world understand themselves, the potential of humanity. For there is so much that is unrealized, so much that is lost and wasted and suppressed because of human belief in things that are not real or true. 

You have stepped beyond those conditions and sought to awaken yourselves to something greater. Because of this, you have drawn to you many beautiful souls. You have drawn to you God’s Touch upon you. You have drawn many, many things, many blessings, great power, great Love. You have begun to learn the power of knowledge and the power of utilizing the Laws of your existence. 

It is important that you continue to seek out Truth, to express Truth, to exercise your will towards the expression of your potentials. When you do this and you have faith in yourselves and faith in God’s guiding Hand, the possibilities are limitless. You will see and come to know such deep and profound understanding of things that are such a mystery to humanity. With this clear and powerful understanding, you may step forward in any crowd, in any gathering, in any setting and proclaim the Truth and you will be heard, because the power of your presence, the depth of your knowledge, the Light of your Love will radiate forth and touch many souls. 

God has a plan that is far-reaching. It is meticulously crafted. It is acted upon with each day by those who are willing to listen and be guided. You have before you all the help, support, and upliftment that you could possibly need to bring about enactment in your lives of God’s Plan to save humanity from itself. So, the time is now, my friends. The time is now to step forward, to release your anxieties and your doubts, and come to that place of surety and confidence, because you know the Truth my friends.

You know the Truth. Don’t hide it. Don’t hide your light. Express. Express it and you will draw to you many who seek to be taught and comforted and awakened. This is part of God’s Plan. Are you willing to be a part of this plan? We are all poised, waiting, eager, and praying for each of you and the many more associated with you, who desire to lead the world into greater light. Understand the great power you have to bring change, to bring deeper understanding, to open the doors to Truth, to realize your own potentials and to inspire others to do the same. 

It is a big world, I know. There are many in your world who are greatly resistant and who are bent upon destruction or power or both. I know this is to some degree a frightening prospect, to challenge the powers that be, but it is in the way that you do so, my friends. I challenged those who were entrenched in certain ideas and I did so with calm, a quiet resolve. I showed them the truth that I had discovered and proved to them its veracity. 

Now it is for you to follow your inclinations, your gifts and abilities, to show to others the Truth and the power of Divine Love. Can this be so difficult? It is a simple Truth. It does not require complex formulas, great dissertations, but it does require a pure heart and a powerful longing to do God’s Will. 

So, this is a journey that is different from mine when I was on Earth, but the challenges continue. The possibilities of changing the world are evident and your efforts are necessary in order to bring about these changes. You have a great deal of support. This room is filled with many, many bright spirits and angels who desire to support you, my friends. You will make a difference. Although, there are times you may stumble, because you are human, you will endure and you will walk forward. 

It is part of God’s Will and plan and it is powerful. It must be done. For, the world is in great need of saving, my friends. So much needs to be changed. The world can no longer be naïve and lackadaisical and filled with distraction and a need to indulge all the human appetites. It is time for the world to grow, to grow up, to be responsible, to seek something better, to seek love. 

May you find your way upon that path of Truth and be strong and upright in your efforts to speak the Truth and demonstrate the Truth. May God bless you beloved souls, I am Albert Einstein. I am very happy to speak to you tonight. May God bless you, my beloved friends. May God bless you for you live in fortuitous times and you are blessed with a great fortune of Truth. God bless you. God bless you.


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