Continue To Pray For WHC And Be Open To Your Guidance

Spirit: Faith
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 3, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

It is your friend Faith. I am so happy you have had this conversation together, to consider your options and the possibilities that may come from your guidance. I say to you, to consider this yearning within your souls to continue to associate with this place, to be a part of it and to contribute to it. Is this not God’s Will? Is there not some deep purpose for your presence in this place of light? I say yes, there is a beautiful invitation that has been proffered to each of you to bring the Light of your soul into this place and in need of your Light.

In some ways, there is a great longing in those who are there to receive the blessings of God. Though the ideas and interpretations of that soulful longing within them may be somewhat obscure and indirect, it still exists. When you are present with your love, as a channel of God’s Love, there is a deep sense of comfort and rightness with your presence there amongst those who are with you on a daily basis.

Consider this, beloved friends, that you have been entreated by God to step forward in service in this place and that God will find a way for you to express and be a part of the flow of what is intended for this place. It is a matter of attuning yourself to your guidance, of knowing God’s Will, and expressing your gifts in ways that are amenable to those who are orchestrating the activities there. There is no need to feel reticent, cautious at times, but not reticence. Do not consider yourselves superfluous in their ventures. Consider yourself as a key to what may come of this place, an answer to prayers, beloveds. Certainly an answer to the prayers of the angels to bring Light to the WHC. Indeed, this Portal of Light that exists there is in need of your ministrations and your prayers each day. I urge you to pray for this, for the energization of this portal, so that many gifts and blessings may flow from it.

Indeed, within your souls and your hearts, there is a connection with this place. It is deep and it is important. Do not allow your minds to come in the way of the expressions of your guided efforts and your soulful blessings and gifts towards this place. We are pleased that you continue, beloved souls, every one of you, to include in your prayers and your efforts a place within the beautiful unfolding of the purpose of this beautiful place.

You will find your way. Yes, to weave your way through the conditions that exists, that may obstruct your efforts, is important. To have a delicate touch is important. To not be overly candid in expressing your desires for this place is important. Indeed, there are many lessons to be learned in this opportunity to serve. Each of you will add your piece to the collective effort of uplifting and healing this place that was once of great light and is destined to be of great light once more. So the subtlety, the wisdom, the directed yet harmonious efforts that you make together in regards to this place are important and will find its expression in deep, spiritual ways and in ways in which those who are there can accept.

It is important that you pray and ask for guidance, ask to be led, ask to know the way that is meant. Those obstructions that may hold you back will evaporate and the doors will be opened in loving enthusiasm, in joyful recognition that what you bring as God’s instruments is indeed a great gift to this place. You will be blessed, beloveds, you will be blessed. We, indeed, continue to work and endeavor to open doors and opportunities to serve. There is much to come and much work that is pending.

May God bless you in all of your efforts. My love is with you, beloveds. I am Faith and I am with you, as is Brother Mandus and many more who continue to pray for and observe the unfolding of God’s plan in regards to the WHC. God bless you, beloveds, God bless you. My love is with you. God bless you.